Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture 2011 Edition

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This is the 2011 edition of the Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture ( ERSA) which has been compiled by the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services division ( RESAS) in the Scottish Government ( SG).

The report presents an overall picture of Scottish agriculture using data from the various agricultural surveys that RESAS manage. The 2011 edition has been redesigned following a comprehensive review of our publications in 2010 and 2011. Details of the changes made are provided in each of the sections.

Section A presents Total Income From Farming ( TIFF) statistics for 2010. This is a summary of the output values and associated input costs of Scottish agriculture which underpins the Scottish Agriculture Account that is submitted to the EC every year. Statistics on production volumes & commodity prices within the sectors are also presented, along with data on grants and subsidies for Scottish agriculture.

Section B refers to the Farm Accounts Survey, which presents results from 2009/10 and 2008/09. This survey collects statistics from the business accounts of around 500 farms in Scotland and gives an indication of the relative performance of different farm types, along with detailed breakdowns of outputs and costs.

Section C presents additional statistics from the annual June census of agriculture for 2010. Comparisons with other UK countries are displayed, along with data showing the geographic distribution of different farming activities across Scotland. Data is also provided showing breakdowns of farming by size, labour requirements and gross output.

We hope that you find the revised format of this publication helpful. We are always happy to hear your views on any of our statistics and publications - if you want to contact us, our details are on page ii.

We would like to pass on our thanks to Scottish farmers for their continuing cooperation with all of our data collections.

Rural & Environment Science & Analytical Services ( RESAS)
Scottish Government
June 2011

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