
Pesticide Usage in Scotland: Outdoor Vegetable Crops 2015

Information from a survey of pesticide use on vegetable crops grown for human consumption in Scotland during 2015.

Acknowledgements and References


Thanks are due to all the growers who provided the information for this report. Thanks are also due to Jackie Hughes for editorial assistance and for development of the IPM survey and to Fiona Burnett ( SRUC), Sarah Cook and Peter Gladders ( ADAS) for editorial assistance. In addition, the authors are grateful for the support from Mr David Gartwaite and his colleagues at Fera Science Limited, Mr Paul Gavin at the Scottish Government's Agricultural Census Analysis Team and to Mr Adrian Roberts of Biomathematics & Statistics Scotland.


1. Food and Environment Protection Act 1985:

2. EU Statistics Regulation (1185/2009/EC)

Regulation ( EC) No 1185/2009 of the European ... - EUR-Lex

3. Monie, C., Reay, G. & Watson, J. Pesticide Usage in Scotland, Outdoor Vegetable Crops 2013, SGRPID, Edinburgh 2014.

4. Watson, J., Reay, G. & Thomas, L. Pesticide Usage in Scotland, Outdoor Vegetable Crops 2011, SGRPID, Edinburgh 2012.

5. AA314 Crop Health, Second Quarter Report 2015, 1 July 2015 – 30 September 2015, SRUC, Edinburgh

6. Insecticide Resistance Action Committee ( IRAC)

7. Fungicide Resistance Action Committee ( FRAC)

8. Herbicide Resistance Action Committee ( HRAC)

9. Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings ( ASHE) 2015 (Table 8.5a)

10. Agricultural Statistics, Scotland 2015. HMSO, Edinburgh 2015. EU

11. EU Sustainable Use Directive (2009/128/EC)

12. Wood, H.J. An Agricultural Atlas of Scotland. George Gill and Sons, London, 1931.


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