
Pesticide Usage in Scotland: Outdoor Vegetable Crops 2015

Information from a survey of pesticide use on vegetable crops grown for human consumption in Scotland during 2015.

Table 33 Principal active substances by area treated

Area treated (hectares) with the 20 most used active substances on all vegetable crops surveyed

  Active substance Type (1) 2015 2013 % change
1 Lambda-cyhalothrin I 18,622 16,277 14
2 Metalaxyl-M F/S 15,433 13,240 17
3 Fludioxonil F/S 14,762 11,180 32
4 Pendimethalin H 13,138 11,272 17
5 Pirimicarb I 12,990 8,706 49
6 Azoxystrobin F 12,786 9,224 39
7 Cymoxanil S 10,535 9,259 14
8 Boscalid F 9,528 6,021 58
9 Pyraclostrobin F 9,528 6,021 58
10 Linuron H 9,500 6,137 55
11 Tebuconazole F 8,694 6,146 41
12 Imazamox H 7,768 5,008 55
13 Prothioconazole F 7,373 7,634 -3
14 Clomazone H 5,804 4,190 39
15 Copper oxychloride F 5,409 2,831 91
16 Deltamethrin I 5,086 6,623 -23
17 Glyphosate H 4,265 2,027 110
18 Metaldehyde M 4,250 3,124 36
19 Cyprodinil F 4,227 1,920 120
20 Metazachlor H 3,856 3,921 -2

(1) Pesticide type = F: Fungicide, H: Herbicide, I: Insecticide, M: Molluscicide, S: Seed treatment


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