
Pesticide Usage in Scotland: Outdoor Vegetable Crops 2015

Information from a survey of pesticide use on vegetable crops grown for human consumption in Scotland during 2015.

Table 19 Peas and beans herbicide active substances

Area treated (ha), percentage of crop treated and quantity (kg) of active substances for all crops

Herbicides Vining peas Broad beans Total
  (ha) (%) (ha) (%) (ha) (kg)
Bentazone 2,064 29 325 22 2,389 1,650
Clomazone 729 10 0 0 729 66
Glyphosate 1,565 22 137 9 1,702 1,418
Imazamox 6,300 90 1,469 100 7,768 443
Linuron 729 10 0 0 729 365
MCPB 807 11 0 0 807 1,190
Pendimethalin 6,300 90 1,469 100 7,768 6,626
All herbicides 18,494 100 3,399 100 21,894 11,757
Area grown 7,029   1,475   8,504  


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