
Potato exports guide

Information on the conditions and phytosanitary requirements for the export of Scottish potatoes, where known by country.


Seed potatoes (updated 14 September 2020)

Growing crop tolerances

Class tolerances apply. The import permit will specify any tolerances/conditions over and above general class requirements that must have been met.

Tuber tolerances

Minimum tolerances for seed export apply. The import permit will specify any tolerances over and above general export conditions that must be met. 

Other requirements

Import permit: required. 

Exporters cannot apply directly to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in Myanmar. Importers or local agents acting on behalf of importers must be nominated to apply to the local Ministry, on your behalf. 

The import permit will state the exact phytosanitary requirements.

A 2kg sample must be sent to:

Plant Protection Department
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation 
Agriculture Lane, Kanbe, Yankin, 
P.O. 11081, Yangon

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