Potato exports guide

Information on the conditions and phytosanitary requirements for the export of Scottish potatoes, where known by country.


Seed potatoes (updated 8 December 2020)

Growing crop tolerances

Class tolerances apply except for:

  • Virus: NIL
  • Blackleg: NIL

Tuber tolerances

Minimum tolerances for seed export apply except for:

  • Silver scurf (Helminthosporium solani (shrivelled or dehydrated tubers) ): NIL
  • Gangrene (Phoma exigua var foveata): NIL
  • Blackleg (Pectobacterium carotovorum var atrosepticum): NIL
  • Blight: NIL
  • Skin spot: NIL
  • Soil: practically free from soil or other plant debris

Other requirements

Import Permit: required

Varieties: only varieties on the Official Kenyan National list  can be imported for marketing.

Class: only class E or higher is accepted.

Packaging: new packaging containers must be used.

Treatments: any treatment applied must be clearly stated on the phytosanitary certificate. 

Procedure upon arrival: all consignments will be inspected upon arrival in Kenya and a representative sample (400 tubers) will be taken for laboratory testing. Laboratory testing includes serological and molecular testing for Pectobacteria and Dickeya spp. and Virus. 

Post-entry quarantine: imported consignments shall be planted on specified farms (importers farms) under open quarantine conditions in the national certification scheme for one season to monitor for regulated pests.

Associated regulations and legislation

 Seed and Plant Varieties Act (CAP 326)

Plant Protections Act (CAP 324)

Bilateral agreement between KEPHIS and SASA (8th November 2016) 

Additional declarations to be inserted on the reverse of the phytosanitary certificate for seed potatoes

  1. The consignment is in accord with the bilateral quarantine arrangement on import of seed potato for Scotland to Kenya of 2016. The tubers were inspected (tested) and found free of quarantine pests.
  2. The place of cultivation was inspected at least twice during the growing season and it was found to be free from Pectobacterium spp. (P. carotovorum and P. atrosepticum).
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