Health and social care - everyone matters pulse survey: national report 2020

Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care during the initial COVID-19 period.


Redeployment to other roles was widespread through the COVID-19 pandemic, with 18% of staff who said they had experienced change having been assigned to a different team, Directorate or Board and 14% to a different role within their team. For some staff the experience of redeployment has caused worry, with 1% specifically mentioning it in the open question about their worries. Staff comments include reference to lack of skills and experience for the role deployed to, or that the deployed role does not make full use of their skillset. For others, redeployment has had a positive impact on their career and personal development. In the open question other staff mention support they have had during their redeployment from staff around them.

As the story below illustrates, for many staff the changes to working arrangements and redeployment to other roles has had positive benefits:

Daring to Succeed Dental Services Team Work!

"Where previously to a large extent, GDP and PDS worked in silos, we have come together to work side by side, triaging and treating patients seven days a week across the three UDCCs. Several benefits are identified by the team:

  • From the softer side you have the strengthened relationships and compassionate approach to provision of urgent dental services in a time of crisis.
  • Lightbulbs ‘switching on’ where once was a lack of knowledge around services and ‘what we were all about’ to a visible respect for one another and what each of our teams can bring to patient care
  • Desire from staff to further build on this as we move forward"

NHS Ayrshire & Arran HSCP East



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