Estimation of sectoral CAP payment 'envelopes' 2019

This report uses data on the level of past funding provided to individual farm businesses and Standard Output (SO) values to estimate notional payment ‘envelopes’ to different sectors.

Annex 2 – Envelope allocation by robust farm type

Table 2 Allocation of support payments (£m) from sectoral envelopes, by robust farm types 2019
Beef Envelope Sheep Envelope Dairy Envelope Crop Envelope Other Envelope 'Direct' Payments Direct Payments per £1 SO
Specialist cereals £2.15m £0.71m £33.71m £1.62m £38.19m £0.25
General cropping £4.35m £1.39m £41.45m £0.79m £47.97m £0.16
Specialist horticulture & permanent crops £0.33m £0.17m £3.20m £0.04m £3.76m £0.02
Specialist pigs £0.28m £0.13m £1.31m £0.05m £1.78m £0.07
Specialist poultry £0.75m £0.59m £0.01m £1.22m £0.11m £2.68m £0.03
Specialist dairy £1.93m £0.20m £19.71m £0.99m £22.83m £0.08
LFA Cattle & Sheep £167.57m £107.33m £4.72m £9.17m £0.65m £289.44m £0.46
Non-LFA Cattle & Sheep £16.28m £3.41m £1.26m £2.92m £0.55m £24.42m £0.22
Mixed holdings £26.90m £5.67m £1.27m £29.47m £0.44m £63.76m £0.20
General cropping; forage £0.01m £0.06m £1.70m £10.23m £12.30m £0.61
Unclassified £0.00m £0.00m £0.10m
Unknown £0.02m £0.05m £1.57m
Scotland £220.56m £119.71m £26.97m £125.14m £14.49m £508.79m £0.24
Table 3 Number of recipients of support payments through sectoral envelopes by robust farm types by, 2019
Recipients Beef Envelope Sheep Envelope Dairy Envelope Crop Envelope Other Envelope Direct' Payments
Specialist cereals 205 160 1,184 795 1,184
General cropping 340 210 1,074 593 1,074
Specialist horticulture & permanent crops 17 29 95 57 106
Specialist pigs 15 18 45 25 55
Specialist poultry 23 20 1 28 29 64
Specialist dairy 602 141 607 311 621
LFA Cattle & Sheep 6,517 8,090 140 2,056 102 10,393
Non-LFA Cattle & Sheep 878 680 44 472 81 1,228
Mixed holdings 1,058 732 27 1,316 151 1,473
General cropping; forage 12 27 295 1,386 1,404
Unclassified 1 1 18
Unknown 8 15 230
Scotland 9,676 10,123 819 6,876 3,219 17,850
Figure 15 Box plot showing distribution of direct support payments per recipient (£) by robust farm type, 2019
boxplots of absolute support payments by each robust farm type.  The plots exclude outliers and shows the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum values. General cropping and dairy farms have the highest median followed by mixed farm types.  Dairy farms have a relatively tight inter-quartile range whilst the highest upper quartile figures are from Mixed, General Cropping and Specialist horticulture and permanent cropping businesses



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