
Estimation of sectoral CAP payment 'envelopes' 2019

This report uses data on the level of past funding provided to individual farm businesses and Standard Output (SO) values to estimate notional payment ‘envelopes’ to different sectors.

Distribution of sectoral envelopes

13. There was significant variation in the amounts distributed through the payment envelopes, reflecting the levels of activities and overall payments that a business receives. Figure 5 reveals that:

  • Of the 9,676 businesses that were allocated beef envelope support, the top 5% of recipients accounted for 26% of the total envelope, with the top 10% allocated 39% and the top 15% some 50% of the envelope.
  • Of the 10,123 businesses that were allocated sheep envelope payments the top 5% of recipients accounted for 37% of the total envelope, with 53% allocated to the top 10% of recipients and 77% of the envelope allocated to the top 25% of recipients.
  • Of the 6,876 crop envelope recipients the top 20% were allocated 66% of the envelope, with the top 10% allocated 46% of the envelope and the top 5% recipients some 31% of the envelope.
  • Of the 810 dairy envelope recipients the top 10% of businesses were allocated 25% of the envelope, with 54% allocated to the top 35% of recipients and 71% was allocated to the top 50% of recipients.
Figure 5 Cumulative distribution of sectoral envelopes amongst recipients
6 graphs each showing the cumulative distribution of support within a sector by the recipients where the recipients are ordered from smallest payment to largest payment. All lines are upward sloping curves indicating that the top 20% of recipients receive between 40% to 70% of the total direct sectoral support.  This indicates concentration in support payments to larger recipients

14. Figure 6 shows how the SO model allocates the sectoral envelopes to robust farm types (see Annex 2 for full data tables and boxplot). The LFA Cattle and Sheep sector was allocated 56.9% of 'direct' payments in 2019 (with 58% of those payments being through the beef envelope and 37% through the sheep envelope). Mixed holdings were allocated 12.5% of payments (with 46% from the crop envelope and 42% from the beef envelope). Specialist cereal producers were allocated 7.5% of total support and most (88%) of their allocation was through the crop envelope. The specialist pig, horticulture and poultry sectors were only allocated 1.6% of support collectively in 2019.

Figure 6 Distribution of the 2019 'direct' support payment envelopes by robust farm type
horizontal stacked bar graph showing the distribution of sectoral payments in monetary terms by robust farm type. LFA Cattle and Sheep farms received 56.9% of support with £167.5m beef envelope, £107.3m sheep envelope payments being the largest components of support. Specialist cereals 7.5% total support, General cropping 9.4% total support and Mixed holdings 12.5% total support were the next largest beneficiaries where the majority of crop envelope payments were distributed

15. Figure 7 shows the mean level of 'direct' support received by robust farm type in 2019 (noting large variation within each sector). Across Scotland recipients received an average of £28,503 in 'direct' support with the highest average payments (£44,665) to General Cropping businesses. Whilst specialist poultry farms only receive a small proportion of the total funding, on average they received £41,881 in 'direct' support – with payments to other activities, such as cropping or grazing livestock, other than poultry (the same is true for specialist horticulture and pig businesses).

Figure 7 Average 'direct' support (2019) by robust farm type
pyramid graph with average direct payments per recipient in each robust farm type. The lines in the pyramid represent scale of payment which are: General cropping £44,665; Mixed holdings £43,285; Specialist poultry £41,881; Specialist dairy £36,756; Specialist horticulture & permanent crops £35,431; Specialist pigs £32,275; Specialist cereals £32,258; LFA Cattle & Sheep £27,849; Non-LFA Cattle & Sheep £19,884; General cropping; forage £8,761; Unknown £6,840; Unclassified £5,400; Scotland £28,503

16. Figure 8 shows the allocation of payments by sectoral envelopes within agricultural regions of Scotland (see Annex 5 for a map). 3,178 recipients in North East of Scotland received 18.5% (£93.8m) of 'direct' payments in 2019 with 43% allocated from the beef envelope and 41% from the crop envelope (see Annex 3 for detailed tables and boxplot). 1,805 recipients in Dumfries and Galloway received 13.5% (£68.2m) of payments with 56% of this allocated through the beef envelope, 21% the sheep envelope and 16% the dairy envelope. In contrast, the 1,357 Na h-Eileanan Siar recipients received 1.8% (£6.7m) of 'direct' support payments with 62% allocated through the sheep envelope and 33% the beef envelope.

Figure 8 Distribution of the 2019 'direct' support payment envelopes by agricultural region
horizontal stacked bar graph showing the distribution of sectoral payments in monetary terms by agricultural region. North East Scotland is the largest bar with 18.5% of total payments comprised of £40m beef envelope, £39m crop envelope, £9.5m sheep envelope, £1.3m dairy envelope and £3.9m other envelopes. Dumfries and Galloway had the highest dairy envelope payments at £10.5m followed by Ayrshire (£6.3m).  Dumfries and Galloway also had the second largest share of the beef envelope at £38m

17. Figure 9 shows the mean level of 'direct' support received within agricultural regions in 2019 (noting large variation within each geography). Reflecting the larger average sized businesses the largest average payments were in the Borders (£51,201) followed by Tayside (£41,135) and Lothian (£40,260). In contrast, in Na h-Eileanan Siar recipients only received £4,4920 on average (reflecting many smaller scale crofters) with the average Shetland receipt being £11,218.

Figure 9 Average 'direct' support (2019) by agricultural region
pyramid graph with average direct payments per recipient in agricultural region. The lines in the pyramid represent scale of payment which are: Scottish Borders £51,201; Tayside £41,135 ; Lothian £40,260; Dumfries & Galloway £37,798; Fife £37,620;  Argyll and Bute £33,023;  East Central £31,873;  Ayrshire £29,733;  NE Scotland £29,506;  Clyde Valley £27,830;  Orkney £27,806;  Highland £19,611;  Shetland £11,218; Unknown £6,840;  Na h-Eileanan Siar £4,920; Scotland £28,503



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