
Estimation of sectoral CAP payment 'envelopes' 2019

This report uses data on the level of past funding provided to individual farm businesses and Standard Output (SO) values to estimate notional payment ‘envelopes’ to different sectors.

Annex 4 – Distribution of Environmental and Forestry Payments

Table 6 Distribution of 2019 environment and forestry support by robust farm type
Values AECS Capital AECS Recurrent FGS Capital FGS Recurrent Legacy Total Environment & Forestry
Sum BRNs Sum BRNs Sum BRNs Sum BRNs Sum BRNs Sum BRNs
Specialist cereals £0.05m 6 £1.87m 152 £0.06m 4 £0.08m 24 £0.11m 76 £2.17m 171
General cropping £0.29m 16 £1.84m 142 £0.42m 13 £0.13m 31 £0.08m 71 £2.76m 178
Specialist hort & permanent crops £0.08m 12 £0.21m 5 £0.01m 4 £0.01m 5 £0.31m 20
Specialist pigs £0.07m 6 £0.00m 2 £0.00m 3 £0.07m 8
Specialist poultry £0.01m 2 £0.07m 8 £0.01m 1 £0.02m 3 £0.01m 5 £0.12m 13
Specialist dairy £0.08m 2 £0.36m 33 £0.05m 2 £0.07m 9 £0.01m 11 £0.58m 45
LFA Cattle & Sheep £1.20m 81 £13.94m 1,422 £6.59m 108 £2.86m 280 £0.36m 234 £24.95m 1,750
Non-LFA Cattle & Sheep £0.05m 3 £0.84m 83 £0.16m 6 £0.11m 16 £0.06m 33 £1.23m 102
Mixed holdings £0.41m 19 £2.99m 228 £0.48m 11 £0.39m 48 £0.08m 78 £4.36m 279
General cropping; forage £0.20m 15 £0.89m 153 £5.02m 69 £1.63m 142 £0.13m 97 £7.88m 340
Unclassified £0.58m 76 £0.26m 18 £0.12m 12 £0.07m 39 £1.03m 105
Unknown £0.01m 1 £0.01m 3 £2.61m 74 £0.40m 54 £0.04m 30 £3.06m 127
Scotland £2.31m 145 £23.53m 2,318 £15.89m 311 £5.82m 625 £0.97m 682 £48.51m 3,138
Table 7 Distribution of 2019 environment and forestry support by agricultural region
Values AECS FGS Legacy Environment & Forestry
Sum BRNs Sum BRNs Sum BRNs Sum BRNs
Shetland £0.60m 69 £0.00m 1 £0.00m 1 £0.60m 70
Orkney £2.35m 243 £0.00m 2 £0.00m 4 £2.35m 244
Na h-Eileanan Siar £1.33m 268 £0.06m 11 £0.00m 10 £1.39m 278
Highland £4.60m 436 £3.64m 134 £0.14m 76 £8.24m 543
NE Scotland £5.46m 479 £2.41m 80 £0.29m 208 £7.87m 546
Tayside £2.09m 153 £1.30m 81 £0.10m 70 £3.39m 208
Fife £0.53m 44 £0.22m 17 £0.03m 18 £0.75m 60
Lothian £1.07m 78 £0.37m 30 £0.05m 26 £1.44m 94
Scottish Borders £3.11m 237 £2.76m 108 £0.07m 74 £5.87m 302
East Central £0.41m 33 £0.79m 46 £0.04m 24 £1.21m 74
Argyll and Bute £1.70m 143 £1.17m 42 £0.02m 14 £2.87m 177
Clyde Valley £0.71m 61 £0.94m 60 £0.08m 38 £1.65m 116
Ayrshire £0.67m 66 £2.16m 65 £0.08m 48 £2.83m 128
Dumfries & Galloway £1.19m 106 £2.88m 70 £0.03m 41 £4.06m 171
Unknown £0.02m 4 £3.01m 123 £0.04m 30 £3.03m 127
Scotland £25.84m 2,420 £21.71m 870 £0.97m 682 £47.54m 3,138



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