
The experiences of people who sell or exchange sex and their interaction with support services: lived experience engagement

This research informs our commitment to develop a model for Scotland which effectively tackles and challenges men’s demand for prostitution. It seeks to map service provision in Scotland, and gathers lived experience input on service experiences.

Appendix E: Easy Read Participant Information

Participant Information Sheet

(Easy Read Version)

Lived Experience Engagement: the experience of adults who sell or exchange sex and their interaction with support services

We are conducting this research to understand the experiences people who sell or exchange sex have with services in Scotland. We want to know what good and bad experiences you have had with services, and what might make it better in the future.

The research is an online survey which will involve answering questions about your experiences at services. We expect it to take around 30 minutes. Your answers will be typed into an online form.

Your answers are anonymous so nobody in the research team will know who you are. We ask you to be very careful not to give any information about yourself or someone else which could be used to work out who you are.

You do not have to take part and you can stop at any time -you just need to stop answering the questions and do not press submit. You do not have to answer all the questions, just leave the ones you do not want to answer empty. After you have submitted your answers, you won't be able to change them, or change your mind about taking part, as we won't know which answers were yours.

If you agree complete the survey (even if you miss out some questions) you will receive a £20 Tesco voucher as a thank you.

Your participation in this research will be kept confidential - nobody apart from the person you filled it in with will know whether you have taken part.

The results from this survey will be shared with the Scottish Government, who will use it to help them make decisions about services in Scotland. The results may be used in other research outputs too. This might include some direct quotes from what you have said - but we will make sure nobody will know it was you that said it.

If you have any more questions please ask your worker, or you can email Laura Jones (



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