The experiences of people who sell or exchange sex and their interaction with support services: lived experience engagement

This research informs our commitment to develop a model for Scotland which effectively tackles and challenges men’s demand for prostitution. It seeks to map service provision in Scotland, and gathers lived experience input on service experiences.

Appendix B: Specialist Survey Mapping Questions

Who is support available for in your service?



Trans/Non-Binary/Other (Please specify)

What age group does this service provide support for?

Adults (Over 18)

Young People (Under 18)

All ages

Other (Please specify) –

How do people access this service?


Referral from other services


Criminal Justice Referral

Other (Please specify)

Do you support people who are involved in (Please select all that apply):

In-person selling of sex (street based)

In-person selling of sex (sauna/brothel based)

In-person selling of sex (Private flat/Escorting)



Selling of explicit images online

Other (Please specify)

What support is available at this service?

One-to-one mentoring

Referrals and Signposting

Counselling (specialist practitioner)

Emotional Support

Sexual Health Testing

Safer Injecting Equipment


Personal Safety Alarms

Hygiene and Sanitary Products

Group Work (Creative Groups)

Group Work (Activity/Walking/Sports Group)

Group Work (Peer Support/Therapy)

Other (Please specify)

How many people does this service currently support?

Is there a waiting list for this service?

Approximately how many people are currently on it?



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