Challenging Men's Demand for Prostitution Short Life Working Group


This group is no longer active.


An expert Short Life Working Group (SLWG) was set up in November 2021 following the Programme for Government (2021 to 2022) commitment to develop a model for Scotland to challenge men’s demand for prostitution.

The group’s role was to support the design of the fundamental principles which will guide the development of a framework to challenge men’s demand for prostitution and support those with experience of prostitution, previously described as a model. The principles can be accessed at: Challenging men's demand for prostitution: policy principlesWhere relevant, the principles should inform policy and practice.

The principles will aim to embed equality, human rights, and safety at the very heart of the new framework. The group discussed key themes including challenging demand and deterrence, service support, and national and local approaches.

The reference group has been kept updated on progress, and provided opportunity to input. Alongside the SLWG, two key pieces of research have been published to inform and shape the Framework. They highlight the very personal stories behind those involved in prostitution, the need to better understand and tackle the stigma that many feel, and the international efforts aimed at tackling men’s demand.

The group held its final formal meeting in April 2022, although stakeholder engagement will continue as the framework further develops.


Short Life Working Group (SLWG)

  • NHS Lothian
  • Public Health Scotland
  • UK Feminista
  • Scottish Women’s Aid
  • Encompass Network
  • Violence Against Women Partnership Network
  • The Improvement Service
  • TARA
  • Alan Caton former Detective Superintendent of Suffolk Constabulary
  • Police Scotland (advisory capacity)
  • Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (advisory capacity)
  • Scottish Government officials

Reference group

  • A Model for Scotland
  • Zero Tolerance
  • Victim Support Scotland
  • Academia
  • NHS
  • Cross-Party Group on Commercial Sexual Exploitation
  • Scottish Government officials representing policy interests relevant to the work of the SLWG


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