
The land of Scotland and the common good: report

The final report of the Land Reform Review Group.

Section 29 - Public Access Footnotes

1. SNH Commissioned Report No. 427 "National Overview of Core Paths Plans and Path Provision

2. NAF briefing Jan 2013

3. Such as issues highlighted in the media and on social media relating to Ledgowan Estate access issues

4. NAF Op cit

5. LR(S)A 20(1)(a)

6. LR(S)A 20(1)(b)

7. NAF Op cit

8. Arbitration (Scotland) Act 2010

9. Eg. Overview of Evidence of Land Reform in Scotland (Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services( RESAS) 2012)

10. Scottish Law Commission ( SLC) Report on the Law of the Foreshore and Seabed (Rept 190, 2003)

11. SLC Discussion Paper on the Law of the Foreshore and Seabed ( DP 113, 2001, para 4.33

12. SLC (2003) Op cit

13. LR(S)A 2003 section 5(4)

14. LR(S)A 2003 1(3)(a)

15. SLC 2003 Op cit


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