Health and social care staff experience survey 2022
Independent report by Webropol providing detailed information and analysis of staff experience in health and social care across Scotland during 2022
Staff Governance Standard – Scores
The strands of the Staff Governance Standard were mapped against the 20 components forming part of the Staff Experience Framework (see Appendix 12). The 25 questions were then mapped to the 20 components and Staff Governance Standard to provide a measure of Employee Engagement (see Appendix 13).
Staff Governance Standards Weighted Index Values | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2021 | 2022 | Movement 2022 - 2021 |
Well informed | 80 | 80 | 80 | 78 | 79 | +1 |
Appropriately trained and developed | 73 | 74 | 74 | 73 | 75 | +2 |
Involved in decisions | 71 | 71 | 71 | 70 | 71 | +1 |
Treated fairly & consistently, with dignity & respect, in an environment where diversity is valued | 77 | 77 | 77 | 77 | 78 | +1 |
Provided with a continuously improving & safe working environment, promoting health & wellbeing of staff, patients & the wider community | 76 | 77 | 77 | 76 | 77 | +1 |
Appendix 14 shows Strand scores for each Board for 2022 and movement from 2021.
The Staff Governance Standard Strand reported scores have all improved from 2021. The ‘Appropriately trained and developed’ strand has increased by 2 points from last year to 75. This is the highest score seen for this strand since iMatter began in 2017.

Several Team Stories also highlight actions taken to improve staff training, including the one from Scottish Ambulance Service Grampian Area Management Team.
“One of the areas identified for improvement was ensuring appropriate training and development was in place for all Area Service Managers, including those who were new into their posts as well as those who were well established in their roles.”
Actions taken include:
“Establishing bi-monthly leadership development sessions for the team as well as making individual career coaching session available to any interested team members.”
“In addition to the OD Lead delivering tailored sessions at a region level, he also supported Grampian-based Clinical Team Leaders with the enrolment onto the organisation-wide Foundation Leadership and Management Programme (FLMP), which was launched in April 2022.”
Another illustration of the focus on training comes from NHS 24, where the score for ‘Appropriately Trained and Developed’ has increased by 3 points from 74 to 77:
“We have recently launched our new Management Essentials Programme. This was designed to support our people managers up to band 7 with the key skills necessary to progress and improve as a manager. It covers a range of areas from emotional intelligence to recruitment and selection. The programme has been very well received so far, with small improvements being made based on the feedback we receive.”
NHS 24
NHS Forth Valley have seen their score for ‘Appropriately Trained and Developed’ increase by 4 points to 75. Feedback from the Board illustrates the focus being placed on training and support:
“Following the launch of Phase 1 of the Once for Scotland Workforce Policies, the Operational HR Team responded to the implementation of the policies swiftly to support managers to implement the policies appropriately.
The impact of having appropriate training in place will ensure that there is adequate support for managers interpretation and application of the policies, supporting employees appropriately and will ensure good governance.”
This activity is then illustrated through Team Stories from NHS Forth Valley Human Resources and Organisational Development teams:
1. Learning & Education Team Staff Bursary scheme that provides financial and practical support for staff attending training courses iMatter NHS Forth Valley LET Team 2022
2. HR Senior Recruitment Process that has improved the recruitment experience through a detailed written process iMatter NHS Forth Valley Recruitment 2022
3. HR Resourcing International Recruitment working in partnership with NHS Professionals have successfully recruited and onboarded many new staff from overseas. iMatter NHS Forth Valley International Recruitment
The benefits of establishing effective training programmes are illustrated through the NHS Forth Valley Operational HR Team Story:
“Staff training and development is a key priority within NHSFV. Our Corporate Induction programme was reviewed and refreshed last year. Within NHSFV, all staff have 2 days protected time to undertake statutory/mandatory training. This was agreed in Partnership following a scoping exercise to ensure all staff are supported to complete training.
As part of our Talent Management and Succession Planning Framework we have offered sessions to support managers to have effective career conversations. Signposting staff to appropriate support is invaluable to talent management and career progression. The OD team provide our local leadership programme and masterclasses to support ongoing professional needs of our managers. Examples include:
- Introduction to coaching skills
- Business Report Writing
- Confidence Building
- Courageous conversations
- Transactional Analysis for Managers
- Implementing KSF for Managers
Being ‘treated fairly and consistently’ has gone up by 1 point and is also at the highest level seen. The highest scores are for being ‘well informed’ and ‘being treated fairly and consistently, with dignity and respect’, with 70% and 66% respectively scoring Strive & Celebrate. The lowest score is for ‘involvement in decisions’.”
iMatter NHS Forth Valley Recruitment 2022
The Team Story from NHS Ayrshire and Arran Women & Children’ Services at Ayrshire Maternity Unit illustrates the steps being taken to understand the workplace culture.
“A survey of staff within Maternity & Neonatal services to scope current culture therefore a range of questions were asked to ascertain how satisfied staff were at work and what we could do to support if not.”
As a result of the survey, actions have been put in place including:
- Raise awareness of a pathways for staff to raise any concerns.
- Arrangements to support staff to raise any bullying concerns to senior management should be put in place by the GM and team.
- The Give Respect Get Respect to be utilised along with formal awareness of staff support and other current policies.
- Psychological safety toolkit to be implemented and introduced within the department involving all staff.
- Team meetings to be reinstated for information sharing and inclusion of all staff.
- Consideration needs to be given to online platforms for meetings to allow accessibility.
- All staff should be encouraged to participate in the completion of staff surveys”
iMatter Cultures and Behaviours in AMU
Keeping Staff informed has increased by 1 point having previously dropped by 2 points in iMatter 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic brought many communications challenges through the combination of a rapidly changing situation and an increase in remote working. An example of how this issue has been addressed is included within the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Estates and Facilities Team Story.
“Senior Management Team recognised that we had an obligation to find a route for essential information to progress timeously and reliably to all staff. This took the form of a Team Brief/COVID Safety, which was initially issued on a weekly basis, and which we now continue to issue on a monthly basis, based on the positive feedback and the recognition of an ongoing need for supportive engagement and communication with staff.
The detailed Brief is shared verbally with all staff, along with being circulated electronically and on Staff Noticeboards. This very simple approach has been welcomed throughout the Department and has been adopted by others throughout the organisation too.”
iMatter NHSGGC Estates and Facilities
Keeping staff informed is not just about updates on work matters, but also important is to share staff news across teams. The NHS Forth Valley Occupational Health team set up a staff newsletter alongside an Action Plan designed to improves staff wellbeing and resilience.
“We wanted to bring the team together and to create a sense of community in the department. Out of this “The Oracle” was born – a Newsletter that was for the Occupational Health Team by the Occupational Health Team.
In the Newsletter we have various sections from current staff news – births, marriages and retirements, to cookery, podcasts, reading ……..
The Newsletter celebrates all the great things that the team do within and outwith work and has been enjoyed as a collaborative project, encouraging everyone to participate.”
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