Marine planning
National Marine Plan 2: stakeholder engagement strategy and statement of public participation
A revised stakeholder engagement strategy and statement of public participation for Scotland's National Marine Plan 2 (NMP2).
National Marine Plan 2 (NMP2) Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Scoping Report: Consultation Analysis
Analysis of responses to the consultation on the proposed scope and level of detail for the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of National Marine Plan 2 (NMP2).
Aithris Bhliadhnail air Plana Nàiseanta nan Eilean 2023
Gaelic version of the National Islands Plan annual report 2023
Island investment
Deputy First Minister welcomes completion of new £49 million Stornoway terminal.
National Islands Plan: annual report 2023
The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 requires that a report is presented to Parliament each year setting out the progress made towards delivery of the National Islands Plan. This report sets out progress made during the 2023 reporting year.
Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM): equality impact assessment not required - draft
This draft equality impact assessment (EQIA) considers potential effects of the Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI) and how it impacts on people with one or more protected characteristic.
Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM): business and regulatory impact assessment - draft
The draft business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) of the Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI).
Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM): island communities impact assessment - draft
The draft partial islands communities impact assessment (ICIA) considers the Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI) in relation to their impacts on people living in the Islands under Section 8 of the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018.
Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM): Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment not required declaration - draft
Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment screening draft examining potential impacts of the Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI).
Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM): child rights and wellbeing impact assessment - draft
A draft child rights and wellbeing impact assessment (CRWIA) screening to consider the impacts of Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) Scottish Statutory Instrument (SSI).
The Environment Strategy for Scotland: Delivering the Environment Strategy Outcome on Scotland's Economy - Evidence Base & Policy Levers
This report presents evidence and initial recommendations on how the Scottish Government could use the available policy levers to support the transformations in Scotland’s economy needed to help tackle the climate and nature emergencies.
Am Plana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh: Sgrìobhainn Chochomhairleachaidh
This consultation covers the content of the national Good Food Nation Plan. It seeks views on the Outcomes; ways of measuring progress; and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions. This is a Gaelic translation of the consultation.
Geàrr-iomradh air a' Phlana Nàiseanta airson Dùthaich a tha Math a Thaobh Biadh
The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government. This is a Gaelic summary of the Plan.
National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation - easy read
Easy read version of our consultation on the national Good Food Nation Plan, which sets out the Government's goals for food and how we will achieve them.
National Good Food Nation Plan
The national Good Food Nation Plan sets out six over-arching Outcomes for a Good Food Nation; the range of targets and indicators that will be used to gauge progress towards achieving them; and details of a wide range of food-related policies and initiatives from across the Scottish Government.
National Good Food Nation Plan: consultation
We are consulting on the first national Good Food Nation Plan. We are seeking views on the national Good Food Nation Outcomes, ways of measuring progress and how different groups envision life in a Good Food Nation. It also seeks views on specified functions.
Ro-innleachd airson Saidheans Mara is Ùrghnàthachadh
’S e seo an Ro-innleachd ùr airson Saidheans Mara is Ùr-ghnàthachadh aig Riaghaltas na h-Alba. Tha i a’ cur amasan an cèill airson saidheans mara agus ùr-ghnàthachadh ann an Alba agus a’ stèidheachadh sia builean gus barrachd bhuannachdan fhaighinn bho ar n-obair saidheans, fianais agus dàta.
Marine science and innovation strategy
Establishes the vision for marine science and innovation in Scotland and six outcomes to strengthen the impact of marine science, evidence and data.
Participatory engagement and social research: methods toolkit
A toolkit of methods available to assist developers, consultants, and researchers carrying out socio-economic impact assessments (SEIA).
Scottish Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) consultation: Scottish Government response
Our response to the public consultation on the proposal to designate 10% of Scottish seas as Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) by 2026.
Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs): consultation analysis - final report
Analysis report on the responses to the consultation on Scottish Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) which ran from 12 December 2022 to 17 April 2023.
Automated video identification of marine species (AVIMS) - new application: report
A commissioned report on the development of a web-based computer application for machine learning-based (semi-)automated analysis of underwater video footage obtained during the monitoring of aquatic environments.
Marine piling - energy conversion factors in underwater radiated sound: review
A report which investigates the Energy Conversion Factor (ECF) method and provides recommendations regarding the modelling approaches for impact piling as used in environmental impact assessments (EIA) in Scottish Waters.
How much do people in Scotland value characteristics of marine and coastal areas
This report summarises the results of a choice experiment survey that was designed to capture the preferences of Scottish people towards the management of marine and coastal areas in Scotland.
Offshore renewable developments - developing marine mammal dynamic energy budget models: report
A report detailing the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) frameworks and their potential for integration into the iPCoD framework for harbour seal, grey seal, bottlenose dolphin, and minke whale (building on an existing DEB model for harbour porpoise to help improve marine mammal assessments for offshore renewable developments.
Offshore wind - birds on migration in Scottish waters: strategic review
A report detailing the migratory routes of bird species around the UK and Ireland which have the potential to be impacted by offshore wind developments. This forms part of the strategic study of collision risk for birds on migration and further development of the stochastic collision risk modelling tool work package one.
Understanding seabird behaviour at sea part 2: improved estimates of collision risk model parameters
Report detailing research using GPS tags to track Scottish seabirds at sea.
Offshore wind energy - sectoral marine plan: seabird tagging feasibility
How to undertake a seabird tagging study for species and colonies potentially impacted by the sectoral marine plan for offshore wind energy
National Marine Plan 2 - strategic environmental assessment: scoping report
Sets out the proposed scope and level of detail for the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of National Marine Plan 2 (NMP2), along with a description of the proposed assessment methodology.
Improving inshore fisheries data: Consultation on requiring electronic tracking and monitoring technology on under 12 metre commercial fishing vessels
We are seeking views on using electronic tracking and monitoring technologies on under 12 metre commercial fishing vessels in Scottish waters (and Scottish vessels wherever they operate).
Vision for sustainable aquaculture: island communities impact assessment
Island communities impact assessment for the vision for sustainable aquaculture.
Vision for sustainable aquaculture
The Vision for sustainable aquaculture describes the Scottish Government’s long-term aspirations to 2045 for the finfish, shellfish and seaweed farming sectors, and the wider aquaculture supply chain.
Vision for sustainable aquaculture: child rights and wellbeing screening sheet
Child rights and wellbeing screening sheet for the Vision for sustainable aquaculture
National Islands Plan review: consultation
We are consulting on a review of the National Islands Plan, published in 2019. This review is required by the Islands (Scotland) Act 2018. We are seeking views on the impact and content of the current National Islands Plan.
National Islands Plan: implementation route map 2023
Details how we will deliver on the commitments in the National Islands Plan, over the coming year.
Developing essential fish habitat maps: report
The project helped define areas of the sea essential to fish for spawning, breeding, feeding, or growth to maturity. Twenty-nine species and multiple life-stages were reviewed covering marine fish and shellfish of commercial and ecological importance, relevant to offshore wind development areas.
Equality, opportunity, community: New leadership - A fresh start
This publication sets out the First Minister’s vision for Scotland and the outcomes he and his government aim to achieve by 2026.
National Islands Plan Annual Report 2022
The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 requires that a report is presented to Parliament each year setting out the progress made towards delivery of the National Islands Plan. This report sets out progress made during the 2022 reporting year.
Priority marine feature surveys within the Small Isles MPA and surrounding waters
Marine Scotland collected and analysed abundance information for species with conservation importance relevant to priority marine features in the Small Isles MPA and the surrounding region (2012 – 2017). Abundance changes for key species and the relationship with fishing activity was assessed.
Scotland's Blue Economy: current status review
Describes our starting position in the transition to adopting a Blue Economy approach to marine sectors, communities, and the environment. It provides us with the foundation to consider how we can track our progress and determine if significant and lasting change is occurring.
Farm salmon escape event: levels of farm/wild hybridisation
Results of a genetic survey to examine levels of farm/wild hybrid salmon in rivers local to a large-scale farm escape in in south west Scotland and north east England. This occurred in 2020 when MOWI’s Carradale North fish farm shifted position after its seabed anchors became dislodged during Storm Ellen.
Highly Protected Marine Areas - policy framework and site selection guidelines: strategic environmental asessment
This initial strategic environmental report assesses the environmental impacts of the Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMA) policy.
Highly Protected Marine Areas - policy framework and site selection guidelines: socio-economic impact assessment – methodology
This initial socio-economic impact assessment (SEIA) identifies and assesses potential economic and social effects of HPMAs and proposes a methodology for carrying out the site specific SEIAs.
Highly Protected Marine Areas: consultation
This consultation paper sets out the background, process, and rationale for Scottish Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMA), as well as containing the consultation questions.
Highly Protected Marine Areas: policy framework
Sets out our proposed definition and aims of Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) and what this could mean for different activities taking place in Scottish waters. Also describes how we will account for socio-economic factors alongside ecological considerations and proposed new legal powers.
Highly Protected Marine Areas - policy framework and site selection guidelines: ICIA – partial screening report
This report seeks to complete the first two stages of the island communities impact assessment (ICIA) process by identifying whether there are issues which merit further exploration. Consultation responses will be used to determine whether a full ICIA is required once specific HPMA sites are proposed.
Highly Protected Marine Areas: stakeholder engagement plan
This stakeholder engagement plan outlines how stakeholders can engage with the Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMA) process and provide their input and views.
Highly Protected Marine Areas - policy framework and site selection guidelines: sustainability appraisal
Drafted by marine consultants ABPmer, the sustainability appraisal provides assessment of any cumulative impacts of the Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMA) policy and is based upon the draft policy framework and site selection guidelines.
Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) - site selection: draft guidelines
Guidelines describing the proposed process for identifying and selecting Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) in Scottish waters. These were drafted by our statutory nature conservation advisors, NatureScot and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC).
Highly Protected Marine Areas - policy framework and site selection guidelines: partial BRIA
The partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) presents an initial assessment of the potential costs, benefits and risks of introducing HPMAs and their potential impacts on public, private or third sectors.
Sectoral Marine Plan: roadmap of actions
Road map of actions required to improve our understanding of the potential implications of ScotWind sites on seabirds as identified by the Sectoral Marine Plan.
Offshore wind developments - collision and displacement in petrels and shearwaters: literature review
Literature review of the risk of collision and displacement in petrels and shearwaters from offshore wind developments in Scotland.
Delivering Scotland's Blue Economy approach
Sets out the first phase of delivery towards our Blue Economy Vision (published March 2022). It provides a clear picture of where we are now in relation to the six Blue Economy outcomes and sets out our next steps in delivering a collaborative approach in Scotland.
Scenario mapping for offshore renewable energy development economic benefits: case studies
Report to identify, measure and value the delivered and potential economic impact for Scotland from offshore wind and tidal energy projects.
National marine plan 2: engagement strategy
Stakeholder engagement strategy and statement of public participation for Scotland's national marine plan 2.
Seafood strategy
Affirms the importance of the seafood sector and sets out how we are supporting industry to contribute to achieving our blue economy aspirations.
Seabird flight height data collection at an offshore wind farm: final report
Understanding seabird flight heights and behaviour in and around operational offshore wind farms is a priority knowledge gap. Using aircraft mounted LiDAR technology, this study collected data on seabird flight height and shows the potential for using it in offshore windfarm impact assessments.
National Islands Plan: implementation route map 2022
Details how we will deliver our priorities over the lifetime of the National Islands Plan. It identifies the methods to monitor progress towards fulfilling the many commitments in the Plan and sets out timescales for delivery of our work.
Development of a novel physiology tag to measure oxygen consumption in free-ranging seabirds: research
This project took initial steps to develop a new type of tag that can measure energy expenditure of seabirds. To do this, the project adapted a Near-infrared spectroscopy system for humans, that can measure muscle oxygen saturation, and deployed the new tags on European shags.
Feasibility of extending SeabORD to the entire breeding season: study
SeabORD is a method that can assess displacement and barrier effects from offshore renewables on seabirds, but is currently limited to four species during the chick-rearing season. This review examined ways to improve the SeabORD model including extending to the entire breeding season.
Fish and fisheries research to inform ScotMER evidence gaps and future strategic research in the UK: review
This study undertook a literature review and consultation with key stakeholders to establish current knowledge for evidence gaps identified in the ScotMER Fish and Fisheries evidence map. This report includes research recommendations to help fill remaining strategic priority gaps.
Offshore wind developments assessment - seabird collision risk, displacement and barrier effects: study
This project developed a new framework to enable the assessment of collision, displacement and barrier effects on seabirds from offshore renewable developments to be integrated into a single overall assessment of combined impacts.
Assessing fisheries displacement by other licensed marine activities: good practice guidance
This project developed ‘Good Practice Guidance for Assessing Fisheries Displacement’ through a detailed literature review and consultation with the ScotMER Fish and Fisheries Receptor Group (FFSRG), commercial fisheries industry, offshore energy and regulatory sectors.
Assessing fisheries displacement by other licensed marine activities: good practice guidance - literature review
This project developed ‘Good Practice Guidance for Assessing Fisheries Displacement’ through a detailed literature review and consultation with the ScotMER Fish and Fisheries Receptor Group (FFSRG), commercial fisheries industry, offshore energy and regulatory sectors.
Defining 'local area' for assessing impact of offshore renewables and other marine developments: guidance principles
These guidance principles provide a first step in developing an appropriate approach for defining the impact area on land for large industrial developments (such as offshore windfarms) at sea. The principles are based on a review of literature and practice described in the accompanying report.
Develop best practice recommendations for combining seabird study data collected from different platforms: study
This study developed best practice guidance to combine seabird survey data collected from different platforms based on a literature review, expert knowledge and a bespoke model development including sensitivity analysis. This can be used in environmental assessments for planning and licensing.
Improving Our Understanding of Seabird Behaviour at Sea
This project collated tracking data from five seabird species thought to be vulnerable to offshore wind farms. These data were analysed to understand whether seabird distribution data, usually undertaken in daytime, good weather conditions, were representative of behaviour in other conditions.
Impact of climate change on seabird species off the east coast of Scotland and potential implications for environmental assessments: study
This study investigated the potential impacts of climate change on seabird distribution, abundance and demography off the east coast of Scotland, and examined integration of these climate models into standard population forecast models used in assessments for offshore wind developments.
Offshore renewables - social impact: two way conversation with the people of Scotland
Findings from a piece of participatory research into the social impacts of offshore wind farms (OWFS) in Scotland. It describes innovative methods used to develop a conceptual framework, based on social values, that enables a better understanding of the social impacts of OWFs.
Offshore wind farm developments - public perceptions: survey
Findings from a survey exploring public perceptions of offshore wind farm (OWF) developments in Scotland. It describes whether and how respondents in Scotland have been impacted by OWFs, their attitudes to OWFs, and how OWFS affect their tourism and recreation choices.
Scottish Crown Estate Act 2019: ministerial direction
Direction given under Section 37 (1) of the Scottish Crown Estate Act 2019.
A Blue Economy Vision for Scotland
Sets out our long-term ambition for Scotland’s blue economy to 2045. It demonstrates how much we value our marine environment and its significance. This is captured in six outcomes sitting across a range of environmental, social and economic ambitions.
Sectoral marine plan - offshore wind for innovation and targeted oil and gas decarbonisation: initial plan framework
The Initial Plan Framework (IPF) outlines the process for development of the Sectoral Marine Plan for Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) Decarbonisation. The IPF also sets out the areas that will be used for future seabed leasing.
Seaweed Review statement: February 2022
A statement that provides an update on the work completed to date through the Seaweed Review Steering Group.
Potential scale of Scottish seaweed-based industries: research paper
This report provides an assessment of the current status and future growth opportunities for Scottish seaweed-based industries. It includes a scenario analysis that explores the key areas of growth for the seaweed sector and the wider economic and social impacts of possible growth scenarios.
National Marine Plan - EU exit: interpretive guidance
Guidance on how to interpret the National Marine Plan after the UK exits from the European Union. This guidance applies from 1 January 2021 and should be used to interpret references to the European Union in the National Marine Plan.
Crown Estate Scotland: framework document
Guidance on Crown Estate Scotland operating framework.
Ultra-deep water port: feasibility study
Report compiled by Ernst & Young following their feasibility study looking at the most cost effective locations for an ultra-deep water port in the UK.
Scotland's marine economic statistics 2016
The publication presents economic statistics for industrial categories defined as part of the marine sector.
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