Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics 2020

National Statistics publication that provides data on the tonnage and value of all landings of sea fish and shellfish by Scottish vessels, all landings into Scotland, the rest of the UK and abroad, and the size and structure of the Scottish fishing fleet and employment on Scottish vessels.

Table 36c: Engine power of active2 Scottish registered vessels by length group and age group, as at 31st December 2020

  Length group (metres)
Age Group (years) 10m & under >10 -12 >12 -15 >15 -24 >24 -40 Over 40 Total
Under 10 10,518 1,938 942 9,372 11,900 49,780 84,450
10<15 6,216 907 436 6,978 2,402 17,771 34,709
15<20 7,478 333 1,807 8,430 4,122 20,415 42,585
20<25 9,774 390 674 6,626 11,183 4,441 33,088
25<30 6,730 1,297 251 4,488 4,576   17,342
30<35 9,641 4,861 2,165 10,768 10,868   38,302
35 yrs & over 15,434 5,158 4,393 20,337 10,354 2,525 58,201
Unknown 22,932 4,452 1,988 5,369 6,896 25,649 67,286
Total 88,722 19,336 12,656 72,367 62,301 120,581 375,964
Average power 1 59 132 184 347 660 4,996 196

(1) Excludes vessels of unknown age.

(2) An active vessel is a fishing vessel that is registered (Register of Shipping and Seamen) and licenced to fish: see the glossary in the full publication.



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