Scottish islands: data overview 2023
This report gives a snapshot of Scotland's island-level data as collated in the new Scottish Islands Data Dashboard and draws out key findings relating to each of the strategic objective topic areas set out in the National Islands Plan.
9 Health and wellbeing
The majority of Scottish islanders agree that they can easily access GP, pharmacy and dental healthcare.
9.1 Access to Services
The majority of islanders agree or strongly agree that they can easily access GPs, dentists and pharmacies. The majority of islanders do not know if they could easily access mental health services. Many islands have a high GP to patient ratio. Life expectancies are higher than the Scottish average for both men and women in all island local authorities except North Ayrshire Council.

Source: General Practice - GP workforce and practice list sizes, Public Health Scotland (2011)
9.2 Weight and Diet
The prevalence of overweight/obesity is higher in every island local authority when compared to Scotland as a whole. Fruit and vegetable consumption is significantly lower than the rest of Scotland in Shetland, Argyll and Bute and North Ayrshire and significantly higher than the rest of Scotland in Highland Council.
9.3 Suicide Rate
The suicide rate (not age-adjusted) per 100,000 people[1] (2016-20) was higher than the Scottish average in every island local authority except Shetland. In particular, the suicide rate in Highland council was 7% points higher than the national average rate.
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