Planning Scotland's Seas: 2013 - The Scottish Marine Protected Area Project – Developing the Evidence Base for Impact Assessments and the Sustainability Appraisal Final Report - Appendix E - Marine Site Reports

This is Appendix E for the pMPA Impact and Sustainability Report containing the detailed site by site reports. Published separately due to size.

Hatton-Rockall Basin ( HRB)

Site Area (km 2): 1,265

Site Summary

Table 1. Summary of Proposed Protected Features, Data Confidence and Conservation Objectives [ HRB]
Proposed protected features
Biodiversity Features
Deep sea sponge aggregations; offshore deep sea muds.

Geodiversity Features
Marine Geomorphology of the Scottish Deep Ocean Seabed - sediment drifts, polygonal faults.

Other interests
Polygonal fault systems.

Site Description
The Hatton-Rockall Basin lies to the far west of Scotland in offshore waters and is aimed at protecting deep sea sponge aggregations and mud habitat. The site boundary encompasses an area of geodiversity interest known as polygonal fault systems and sediment drifts. The site is located offshore to the west of the Outer Hebrides.
Summary of confidence in presence, extent and condition of proposed protected features and conservation objectives
Proposed Protected Feature Estimated Area of Feature (by scenario) (km 2) Confidence in
Feature Presence
Confidence in
Feature Extent
Confidence in
Feature Condition
Conservation Objective and Risk
Biodiversity Features
Deep sea sponge aggregations Lower: 9.33
Intermediate: 9.33
Upper: 1282.88
Yes ( NOC survey, 2011; Plymouth University survey, 2006) Partial Low Conserve (uncertain)
Offshore deep sea muds All scenarios: 1282.88 Yes ( UK SeaMap, 2010) Partial - based on isolated clumps of records Low Conserve (uncertain)
Geodiversity Features
Marine Geomorphology of the Scottish Deep Ocean Seabed - sediment drifts, polygonal fault systems Sediment Drift: 1282.88
Polygonal Fault Systems: no data available
Yes Yes for sediment drifts Partial for polygonal fault systems. Low Conserve (uncertain)
Key: * Estimated area based on best available data
Area of Features: GeMS
Confidence in biodiversity feature presence and extent: JNCC (2012f)
Confidence in biodiversity feature condition: JNCC (2013) pers. comm.
Confidence in geodiversity feature presence and extent: Brooks et al. (2012)
Confidence in geodiversity feature condition: Brooks et al. (2012)

Summary of Costs and Benefits

Table 2a. Site-Specific Economic Costs on Human Activities arising from the Designation and Management of the Site as an MPA (present value of total costs over 2014 to 2033 inclusive) [ HRB]
Human Activity Cost Impact on Activity
Lower Estimate (£Million) Intermediate Estimate (£Million) Upper Estimate (£Million)
Quantified Economic Costs (Discounted)
None identified.
Total Quantified Economic Costs
Non-Quantified Economic Costs
None identified.
Note: For detailed information on economic cost impacts on activities, see Table 4.
Table 2b. Site-Specific Public Sector Costs arising from the Designation and Management of the Site as an MPA (over 2014 to 2033 inclusive) [ HRB]
Description Public Sector Costs
Lower Estimate (£Million) Intermediate Estimate (£Million) Upper Estimate (£Million)
Quantified Public Sector Costs (Discounted)
Preparation of Marine Management Schemes None None None
Preparation of Statutory Instruments 0.005 0.005 0.005
Development of voluntary measures National assessment National assessment National assessment
Site monitoring National assessment National assessment National assessment
Compliance and enforcement National assessment National assessment National assessment
Promotion of public understanding National assessment National assessment National assessment
Regulatory and advisory costs associated with licensing decisions None None None
Total Quantified Public Sector Costs 0.005 0.005 0.005
Non-Quantified Public Sector Costs
None identified.
Table 2c. Summary of Social Impacts and Distribution of Quantified Impacts arising from the Designation and Management of the Site as an MPA (over 2014 to 2033 inclusive) [ HRB]
Key Areas of Social Impact Description Scale of Expected Impact across Scenarios, Average (mean no. of jobs affected) Distributional Analysis
Location Fishing Groups Predominantly Affected Social Groups Affected
Region Port Rural/ Urban/ Island Gear Types Most Affected Vessels most affected Crofters Ethnic minorities With disability or long term sick
No social impacts are expected.
Table 2d. Site-Specific Benefits arising from the Designation and Management of the Site as an MPA (over 2014 to 2033 inclusive) [ HRB]
Benefit Description
Ecosystem Services Benefits (Moderate and High Benefits) Relevance Scale of Benefits
Non-use value of natural environment Nil - Low Nil - Moderate
Other Benefits
None identified.
Note: For detailed information on ecosystem services benefits, see Tables 9 and 10. For detailed information on other benefits, see Table 5 (activities that would benefit) and Table 8 (contribution to ecologically-coherent network).

Summary of Overlaps and Interactions between Proposed Designated Features and Human Activities

Table 3. Overlaps and Potential Interactions between Features and Activities under different Scenarios, indicating need for Assessment of Cost Impacts on Human Activities from Designation of the Site as an MPA [ HRB]
Aggregates Aquaculture (Finfish) Aquaculture (Shellfish) Aviation Carbon Capture & Storage Coastal Protection Commercial Fisheries Energy Generation Military Activities Oil & Gas Ports & Harbours Power Interconnectors Recreational Boating Shipping Telecom Cables Tourism Water Sports
Biodiversity Features
Deep sea sponge aggregations - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L/I/U - -
Offshore deep sea muds - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L/I/U - -
Geodiversity Features
Marine Geomorphology of the Scottish Deep Ocean Seabed - sediment drifts, polygonal fault systems Low sensitivity so not considered in the context of management.
Note: L = Lower Scenario; I = Intermediate Scenario; U = Upper Scenario. Normal font indicates that there is an overlap between the activity and proposed protected feature under that scenario, bold indicates that the overlap results in a potential interaction between the activity and proposed protected feature that has resulted in cost impacts under that scenario.
For detail of management measures assessed under each scenario for each activity, and results of the cost estimates, see Table 4.

Human Activity Summaries

Human activities that would be impacted by designation of the site as an MPA

Table 4a. Commercial Fisheries (assuming zero displacement of fishing activity) [HRB]
As the proposed MPA is beyond EU fishery limits, the collection and monitoring of VMS data falls under the remit of the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission ( NEAFC) as the relevant Regional Fisheries Management Organisation. Through ICES, JNCC were provided with basic VMS vessel presence/absence data in the vicinity of the proposed MPA from 2001-2006. However, due to the extent of the data available, there was no way to distinguish steaming from fishing events. From the limited VMS evidence available for non- UK fleets, it is likely that the extent of demersal activity in this deep water area (>1000m) is negligible and, based on VMS data from UK vessels (2006 - 2011), there is no evidence of fishing activity in the HRB proposed MPA.
Economic Costs on the Activity of Designation of the Site as an MPA
Lower Estimate Intermediate Estimate Upper Estimate
Assumptions for cost impacts - - -
Description of one-off costs - - -
Description of recurring costs - - -
Description of non-quantified costs - - -
Quantified Costs on the Activity of Designation of the Site as an MPA (£Million)
Total costs (2014-2033) - - -
Average annual costs - - -
Present value of total costs (2014-2033) - - -
Economic Impacts (£Million)
Total change in GVA (2014-2033) - - -
Average annual change to GVA - - -
Present value of total change in GVA (2014-2033) - - -
Direct and Indirect reduction in Employment - - -
Total costs = Sum of one-off costs and recurring costs for the site summed over the 20 year period.
Average annual costs = Total costs divided by the total number of years under analysis ( i.e. 20).
Present value of total costs = Total costs discounted to their current value, using a discount rate of 3.5%.
Total change in GVA (2014-2033) = The change in direct GVA in the sector for the site summed over the 20 year period.
Average annual change to GVA = Total change in direct GVA in the sector for the site divided by the total number of years under analysis ( i.e. 20).
Present value of total change in GVA (2014-2033) = Total change in direct GVA in the sector for the site discounted to current value, using a discount rate of 3.5%.
Direct and Indirect reduction in Employment = The average (mean) reduction in direct employment in the sector plus the indirect reduction in employment on the sector's suppliers.

Human activities that would benefit from designation of the site as an MPA

Table 5. Human Activities that would Benefit from Designation of the Site as an MPA [ HRB]
Activity Lower Estimate Intermediate Estimate Upper Estimate
None identified.

Human activities that are present but which would be unaffected by designation of the site as an MPA

Table 6. Human Activities that are present but which would be Unaffected by Designation of the Site as an MPA [ HRB]
Activity Description
Telecom Cables One operational telecom cable ( TAT 10B west section) overlaps with deep sea sponge aggregations (all scenarios) and offshore deep sea muds (all scenarios) within the HRB proposed MPA boundary. However, no cost impacts are foreseen as the site is located beyond the 12 nautical mile threshold (within which licences are required for cables).

Social and Distributional Analysis of Impacts from Designation of the Site as an MPA

Table 7a. Social Impacts Associated with Quantified and Non-Quantified Economic Costs [ HRB]
Sector Potential Economic Impacts Economic Costs and GVA ( PV) Area of Social Impact Affected Mitigation Significance of Social impact
None identified.
Impacts: xxx - significant negative effect; xx - possible negative effects; x - minimal negative effect, if any; 0 - no noticeable effect expected.
Table 7b. Distribution of Quantified Economic Costs for Commercial Fisheries and Fish Processors (assuming zero displacement of fishing activity) - Location, Age and Gender [ HRB]
Sector/Impact Location Age Gender
Region Ports Rural, Urban, Coastal or Island Children Working Age Pensionable Age Male Female
None identified.
Impacts: xxx - significant negative effect; xx - possible negative effects; x - minimal negative effect, if any; 0 - no noticeable effect expected.
Table 7c. Distribution of Quantified Economic Costs for Commercial Fisheries and Fish Processors (assuming zero displacement of fishing activity) - Fishing Groups, Income Groups and Social Groups [ HRB]
Sector/Impact Fishing Groups Income Groups Social Groups
Vessel Category <15m >15m Gear Types/Sector 10% Most Deprived Middle 80% 10% Most Affluent Crofters Ethnic minorities With Disability or Long-term Sick
None identified.
Impacts: xxx - significant negative effect; xx - possible negative effects; x - minimal negative effect, if any; 0 - no noticeable effect expected.

Potential Contribution of the Site to an Ecologically-Coherent Network

Table 8. Overview of Features Proposed for Designation and how these contribute to an Ecologically Coherent Network of MPAs [ HRB]
Feature Name Representation Replication Linkages Geographic Range
and Variation
Deep sea sponge aggregations Provides representation for deep sea sponge aggregations in OSPAR Region V. Provides one of at least three recommended examples to be protected in Scotland's seas. Not currently understood for deep sea sponge aggregations. Provides representation of an ecologically distinct type of deep sea sponge aggregation - aggregations of the bird's nest sponge Pheronema carpentari. This type of deep sea sponge aggregation is only recorded in this location in OSPAR Region V and not recorded anywhere else in Scotland's seas. Deep sea sponge aggregations are considered to be Threatened and/or Declining by the OSPAR Commission in OSPAR Region V so the MPA is expected to help increase resilience for the feature.
Offshore deep sea muds Provides representation for offshore deep-sea muds beyond the continental shelf in OSPAR Region V. Provides one of at least two recommended examples to be protected beyond the continental shelf in OSPAR Region V in Scotland's seas. Although the existing MPA network already meets this criteria, Hatton-Rockall Basin extends representation of the feature in the network to the far-west of OSPAR Region V in Scotland's seas. Not currently understood for offshore deep sea muds. Although fairly well represented and protected by the existing MPA network in Scotland's seas, Hatton-Rockall Basin provides representation for offshore deep-sea muds at the far western extent of the range of the feature off the continental shelf in OSPAR Region V in Scotland's seas. Offshore deep sea muds are fairly widely recorded across offshore waters in Scotland's seas.
JNCC (pers. comm.); SNH and JNCC. (2012). Assessment of the potential adequacy of the Scottish MPA network for MPA search features: summary of the application of the stage 5 selection guidelines.
Available online from:

Anticipated Benefits to Ecosystem Services

Table 9. Summary of Ecosystem Services Benefits arising from Designation of the Site as an MPA [25] [ HRB]
Services Relevance
to Site
Baseline Level Estimated Impacts of Designation Value Weighting Scale of Benefits Confidence
Lower Intermediate Upper
Fish for human consumption Moderate. Habitats make contribution to food webs. Nil Nil Nil Nil Minimal - no fisheries landing data provided Nil Low
Fish for non-human consumption Nil
Gas and climate regulation Nil - Low Nil - Low Nil, or at best a very low level of protection of parts of ecosystem providing these services Low Nil - Low High
Natural hazard protection Nil - Low Nil - Low Low Nil - Low High
Regulation of pollution Nil - Low Nil - Low Low Nil - Low High
Non-use value of natural environment Moderate -protected feature, and contribution of the site to MPA network, have non-use value. Non-use value of the site may decline Nil, no change in key characteristics of site Low - protection of key characteristics of site from minor decline Moderate - protection of key characteristics of site from decline, and/or allowing some recovery of values Moderate Nil - Moderate Low
Recreation Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal Minimal Low
Research and Education Polygonal faults and biodiversity of the deep sea sponges gives research interest. Low, may decline Nil, no change in key characteristics of site Low - protection of key characteristics of site from minor decline Minimal Minimal Low
Total value of changes in ecosystem services Very low value partly because of little information Minimal Low

Human Activities which Occur within the Proposed MPA Hatton Rockall Basin


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