Place-based policy approaches to population challenges: Lessons for Scotland

This report by the independent Expert Advisory Group on Migration and Population analyses a range of place-based policy approaches to population challenges (including zonal approaches), and sets out lessons for Scotland.

Annex 1: The implications of changes in the Scottish Government’s urban-rural classification of 2020

In a previous report (Designing a Pilot Remote and Rural Migration Scheme for Scotland: Analysis and Policy Options, EAG 2021) the relationship between population change (by data-zone) and degree of rurality and remoteness was illustrated by an analysis based upon the 2016 urban-rural classification. Earlier this year an updated version of the classification, based upon the settlement data for 2020, was published. We have used this in the analysis presented in this report.

The main (reclassification) changes affecting rural and small-town Scotland are a substantial reduction in the number of data-zones classified as being within remote small towns, an increase in the number of accessible rural data-zones, and a reduction in the number classified as remote rural. These changes in the classification of data-zones impact mainly upon remote small towns, where the 2021 population is more than one-third smaller according to the 2020 classification. Remote rural areas show a reduction in population of more than 12%, while accessible rural areas gain almost 4% through re-classification.

Table 1A: Summary of the effects of changes associated with the switch from 2016 to 2020 versions of the Scottish Government's Urban-Rural Classification
Data-zones Population 2021 ('000) Classification Change
U-R 2016 U-R 2020 Change U-R 2016 % U-R 2020 % '000 Persons %
Large Urban 2,294 2,496 202 1,909 34.83 2,061 37.61 152 7.99
Other Urban 2,615 2,459 -156 1,953 35.64 1,844 33.65 -109 -5.59
Accessible Small Towns 609 613 4 471 8.60 471 8.59 -1 -0.12
Remote Small Towns 159 104 -55 125 2.29 79 1.45 -46 -36.60
Very Remote Small Towns 98 98 0 65 1.19 65 1.19 0 0.00
Accessible Rural 774 805 31 637 11.62 661 12.06 24 3.81
Remote Rural 222 197 -25 168 3.07 148 2.70 -20 -12.05
Very Remote Rural 205 204 -1 152 2.77 151 2.76 -1 -0.48
Scotland 6,976 6,976 0 5,480 100.00 5,480 100.00 0 0.00
SPA 159 159 0 112 2.04 112 2.04 0 0.00
Very Remote Rural Non-SPA 46 45 -1 40 0.73 39 0.72 -1 -1.84



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