Health and social care staff experience: report 2018

The Scottish Government has commissioned Webropol Ltd, an independent company to undertake the work to report staff experience in Health and Social Care in 2018. Their report provides detailed information and analysis of staff experience gleaned from our iMatter Continuous Improvement Model.

Appendix 4: Calculation of Responses

For ease of reading, all percentages are reported to the nearest whole number. Please note that all reported differences between results are based on rounded results.

2018 Result unrounded 2017 Result unrounded 2018 Result reported 2017 Result reported Difference reported
78.3 78.9 78 79 -1

Rounding percentages to the nearest whole number occasionally results in total percentages that do not add up to exactly 100% (in some charts / tables percentages may total 99% or 101%).



Workforce Practice Admin
Liz Reilly
Catriona Hetherington 


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