
Equality evidence strategy 2023 to 2025: consultation paper - easy read

We are consulting on a plan to get better facts, figures and information about equality. The answers will help us improve our plan to have better equality evidence. The plan will be used to develop Scotland’s new equality evidence strategy from 2023 to 2025. The deadline for this consultation has now been extended. This consultation is open from 1 July to 7 October.


Action 12 - Family Resources Survey

Living in poverty means being on a low income – not having enough money for the things you need.

People in households that are not food secure may worry about running out of food and may have to have smaller meals or miss meals.

By 2025, we will publish analysis of the food security data collected in the Family Resources Survey.

Action 13 – surveys about poverty

  • we will look at what people understand about the poverty data we have
  • we will look at ways to help people understand the information better



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