Equality evidence strategy 2023 to 2025: consultation paper - easy read
We are consulting on a plan to get better facts, figures and information about equality. The answers will help us improve our plan to have better equality evidence. The plan will be used to develop Scotland’s new equality evidence strategy from 2023 to 2025. The deadline for this consultation has now been extended. This consultation is open from 1 July to 7 October.
What happens after the consultation?

The answers will help us improve the Scottish Government's plan to have better equality evidence.
The plan will be used to develop Scotland's new Equality Evidence Strategy from 2023 to 2025.

A strategy is a type of plan.
We hope the plan will help organisations make services better for people in Scotland, including people with protected characteristics.

You can find out more about protected characteristics in this Easy Read document.
The new Equality Evidence Strategy will be published in early 2023.

The consultation is open from 1 July to 23 September.
There is an Easy Read version of the consultation questions.
Fill in the Respondent Information Form and your answers to the consultation, save a copy and email it to: equalityevidencestrategy@gov.scot by 23 September 2022.

To find out what we do with your personal information, please see our privacy policy.
Responses will be published at http://consult.gov.scot if we have been given permission.
A report will be on the website Citizen Space.

If you have any comments or complaints about how we have done this consultation please send them to: equalityevidencestrategy@gov.scot
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