
Equality evidence strategy 2023 to 2025: consultation paper - easy read

We are consulting on a plan to get better facts, figures and information about equality. The answers will help us improve our plan to have better equality evidence. The plan will be used to develop Scotland’s new equality evidence strategy from 2023 to 2025. The deadline for this consultation has now been extended. This consultation is open from 1 July to 7 October.


Action 1 - looked after children and Action 2 - child protection

  • work with organisations that give us data to make sure they give us complete information on religion and provide information about more groups of people
    • publish data about religion
  • to publish data when people chose the 'Prefer not to say' option when asked about their sex
  • make sure there is better data about ethnicity and disability

People from an ethnic group might have the same language, culture or religion.

  • find ways to get data about the trans status of looked after children aged 16 or over

Trans means someone does not identify as the sex on their birth certificate.

Action 3 - Growing Up in Scotland

  • include analysis of gender and disability in Scottish Government reports such as in the 'Life at Age 17' report
  • make sure that there is analysis of equality evidence in any reports commissioned by the Scottish Government that use data from the Growing Up in Scotland questionnaire
  • make sure future data collections include questions on protected characteristics
  • add a question about marriage to the Growing Up in Scotland questionnaire, when the people taking part will be 20 years old.



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