Equality evidence strategy 2023 to 2025: consultation paper - easy read
We are consulting on a plan to get better facts, figures and information about equality. The answers will help us improve our plan to have better equality evidence. The plan will be used to develop Scotland’s new equality evidence strategy from 2023 to 2025. The deadline for this consultation has now been extended. This consultation is open from 1 July to 7 October.
Constitution, International and Migration
Action 29 - Scottish Household Survey – importance of voting in local elections questions

The 2020 'importance of voting in local elections' data was published for the first time in January 2021.
When the 2022 data is available in 2023 the Scottish Government elections policy team will be asked for advice about what would be helpful to publish.
It should be possible to provide information by age, gender, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion.
Action 30 - Scottish Social Attitudes Survey – attitudes to government and political engagement

We will check what equality data is collected and publish information in autumn 2023.
Action 31 - Diversity in Political Representation in Scotland – Data Improvement Project

All candidates standing in the local council elections in March/April 2022 were asked to complete a survey asking questions on their equality characteristics, previous experience and any caring responsibilities they may have.
We will do analysis of this information and publish it in summer 2022.
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