Consumer Duty Compliance Statement: Programme for Government 2024 - 2025

Consumer Duty Assessment: Programme for Government 2024 - 2025: Serving Scotland

Stage 1 – Planning:

1. Is this a decision of a strategic nature?


The Programme for Government 2024-2025 is an outline of actions that the Scottish Government intends to take over the upcoming year to meet the four priorities determined by the First Minister and sets out an offer to the people of Scotland to improve upon the areas reflected by the priorities. The overall aim of the PfG is to present a suite of actions, that when taken collectively, will address each of the four priorities. These four priorities span across portfolios and therefore contain actions from a range of directorates within Scottish Government. The PfG as a whole is therefore considered to be a decision of a strategic nature and consumers have been considered throughout the process.

The four priorities and their aims are as follow:

Eradicating Child Poverty is the single greatest priority for the Scottish Government. The aim of this priority within the context of the PfG is to outline the actions that will impact on eradicating child poverty and addressing the key root causes of child poverty

Growing the Economy as a priority underpins each of the other priorities for Scottish Government in the upcoming year. Each of the priorities outlined within the PfG depends on adequate funding and will benefit from the input of the private, public and third sectors.

Tackling the Climate Emergency. The aim of this priority within the context of the PfG is to outline the actions that Scottish Government will take to address the climate emergency.

Delivering High Quality and Efficient Public Services is a priority for the Scottish Government as our public services are fundamental in delivering the action that will be taken to eradicate child poverty, grow the economy, and tackle the climate emergency.

2. Is the strategic decision likely to have an impact on any/all consumers?


Consideration has been given to whether the PfG is likely to have an impact on any or all consumers. As the PfG comprises proposed actions to deliver on the Scottish Ministers’ priorities, including as to the allocation of resources, it will have an impact on the users of public services.



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