Understanding the local economic impacts of natural capital investment

This report outlines new economic analysis that quantifies the typical contributions to local economies, measured as output and jobs created, from four key natural capital investments, including peatland restoration and woodland creation.

Appendix A: Desktop Literature Review Sources


Atterton J & McCracken D. (2021). Scotland's natural economy Putting rural areas at the forefront of green recovery

Bryden, D.M., Westbrook, S.R., Burns, B., Taylor, W.A., and Anderson, S. 2010. Assessing the economic impacts of nature based tourism in Scotland Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 398.

Hirst, A. & Lazarus, H. 2020. Supporting a Green Recovery: an initial based jobs and skills. NatureScot Research Report No. 1257.

PlaceFirst (2011). Agri-tourism in Southern Scotland. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 463.

Putman, R. (2012). Scoping the economic benefits and costs of wild deer and their management in Scotland. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 526

Rewilding Britain (2021) Rewilding and the Rural Economy

Scottish Natural Heritage (2020). Valuing our Environment The Economic Impact of Scotland's Natural Environment

Peatland restoration

Peatland restoration – a comparative analysis of the costs and merits of different restoration methods (2018) Artz et al

Regenerative Agriculture

Information Note - Choosing a Cover Crop

Rotational Grazing

Starting Out in Arable Agriculture - Variable Costs and Creating a Budget

Coastal Restoration

eftec, ECNC, UAntwerp & CEEWEB (2017) Promotion of ecosystem restoration in the context of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020. Report to European Commission, DG Environment

Haynes, T.A. 2016. Scottish saltmarsh survey national report. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 786.

Hudson, R., Kenworthy, J. and Best, M. (eds) (2021). Saltmarsh Restoration Handbook: UK and Ireland. Environment Agency, Bristol, UK


Email: peter.phillips@gov.scot

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