
Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics: Update to 30 September 2022

Information on the Scottish Welfare Fund to 30 September 2022.

Processing Times

During July to September 2022, local authorities processed 87% of Community Care Grant applications within the target time of 15 working days (Table 8, Chart 4), and processed 93% of Crisis Grant applications within the target time of the end of the next working day (Table 10, Chart 5).

Eight local authorities processed fewer than 80% of Community Care Grant Applications on time (the lowest percentages were in Aberdeen 50% and Stirling 64%; Table 9) and eight processed fewer than 90% of Crisis Grant applications on time (the lowest percentages were in Shetland 54% and West Lothian 73%; Table 11).

Chart 4: Initial Processing Times for Community Care Grants – Quarterly

Chart 4: Initial Processing Times for Community Care Grants – Quarterly

Chart 5: Initial Processing Times for Crisis Grants – Quarterly

Chart 5: Initial Processing Times for Crisis Grants – Quarterly

Note: The target processing time for Crisis Grants changed from two working days to the end of the next working day in April 2016.

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