
Scottish Employer Perspectives Survey 2019: research report

Comprehensive research report outlining the results of a survey of employers in Scotland regarding their approach to recruitment and training.

Appendix D: References

DWP (2017) Older workers and the workplace: evidence from the Workplace Employee Relations Survey, DWP, London. 

Education Scotland (2015) Developing the Young Workforce Work Placements Standard, Education Scotland, Livingston. 

Government Equalities Office (2013) Equality Act 2010: guidance, Government Equalities Office, London. 

Haigh, R and Woods, J. (2016) Work experience: a quantitative impact assessment. Department for Work and Pensions, London. 

McGregor-Smith, R. (2017) Race in the workplace: The McGregor-Smith review. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, London. 

Mann, A. (2012) Work Experience: Impact and delivery – insights from the evidence. Education and Employers Taskforce, London. 

McCulloch, A. (2013) Learning from Futuretrack: The impact of work experiences on higher education student outcomes. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, London

National Records of Scotland (2019) Mid-2018 population estimates Scotland, National Records of Scotland, Edinburgh. 

Scottish Government (2014) Developing the young workforce: Scotland’s youth employment strategy, Scottish Government, Edinburgh. 

Scottish Government (2015) Scotland’s Economic Strategy, Scottish Government, Edinburgh.

Scottish Government (2016), Scotland’s Labour Market Strategy, Scottish Government, Edinburgh.

Scottish Government (2018a) Enterprise and Skills Board: strategic plan¸ Scottish Government, Edinburgh. 

Scottish Government (2018b) 15-24 Learner Journey Review: Report of the Scottish Government’s review of education provision for 15-24 year olds, Scottish Government, Edinburgh.

Scottish Government (2018c) Developing the young workforce regional groups: formative evaluation, Scottish Government, Edinburgh. 

Scottish Government (2019a) Scotland’s GDP 2019, Quarter 1, First Estimate, Scottish Government, Edinburgh. 

Scottish Government (2019b) Working age employment rate, 7 Cities Summary, Scottish Government, Edinburgh.  

Scottish Government (2019c) Youth Unemployment in Scotland - Results from the Annual Population Survey and Labour Force Survey, Jan-Mar 2008 to Jan-Mar 2019, Scottish Government, Edinburgh.  

Scottish Government (2019d) Regional employment patterns in Scotland: statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2018, Scottish Government, Edinburgh.

Shury, J., Vivian, D., Kik, G., Skone-James, A., Tweddle, M., Wrathall, H. and Morrice, N. (2017) Employer Perspectives Survey 2016, Department for Education, London.

SQA (2018) Guide to Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs), SQA, Glasgow. 

Winterbotham, M., Vivian, D., Kik, G., Huntley Hewitt, J., Tweddle, M., Downing, C., Thomson, D., Morrice, N. and Stroud, S. (2018a) The UK Employer Skills Survey 2017: UK Results, Department for Education, London.

Winterbotham, M., Vivian, D., Kik, G., Huntley Hewitt, J., Tweddle, M., Downing, C., Thomson, D., Morrice, N. and Stroud, S. (2018b) The UK Employer Skills Survey 2017: Scotland Slide Pack, Department for Education, London.

Genna Kik, Mark Winterbotham, Mark Tweddle, Marc Cranney, and Naomi Morrice 
IFF Research



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