National events strategy review: business and regulatory impact assessment - partial

Partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the consultation to help shape the review of Scotland's national events strategy.

8. Consumer Assessment

The National Events Strategy 2025-2035 has significant potential to impact on the consumer which in this case would be the event attendees, event organisers and the wider event supply chain.

Impacts have the potential to be wide ranging- with the aim of positive change. These aspects will be explored further after the public consultation component of the National Event Strategy concludes. By this point further feedback will have been received. The key areas of focus are expected to be price, availability, geographical spread and quality of events and also the information available to support them. For example, around accessibility and transport.

Any legislation, regulation or other substantive actions that might feature in the published strategy will each need their own bespoke Business Regulatory Impact Assessment prior to their further development. This would include a consumer assessment if relevant.



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