National events strategy review: business and regulatory impact assessment - partial

Partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) for the consultation to help shape the review of Scotland's national events strategy.

5. Regulatory and EU Alignment Impacts

The National Events Strategy 2025-2035 will not directly impact on any regulatory features related to leaving the EU. A separate Business Regulatory Impact Assessment will be undertaken for any specific policy as required – including legislation or regulation - which might flow from the strategy and this will provide the opportunity for further consideration of this aspect if necessary.

5.1 Intra-UK trade

The National Events Strategy 2025-2035 will not directly impact on intra-UK trade. A separate Business Regulatory Impact Assessment will be undertaken for any specific policy as required – including legislation or regulation - which might flow from the strategy and this will provide the opportunity for further consideration of this aspect if necessary.

5.2 International Trade

The National Events Strategy 2025-2035 will not directly impact on international trade and investment, although events have the potential to support international trade and investment. A separate Business Regulatory Impact Assessment will be undertaken for any specific legislation or regulation which might flow from the strategy and this will provide the opportunity for further consideration of this aspect if necessary.

5.3 EU alignment

The National Events Strategy 2025-2035 will not directly impact on the Scottish Government’s policy to maintain alignment with the EU. A separate Business Regulatory Impact Assessment will be undertaken for any specific policy as required – including legislation or regulation - which might flow from the strategy. This will provide the opportunity for further consideration of this aspect if necessary.



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