Improving our understanding of child poverty in rural and island Scotland: research

Building on the "Poverty in rural Scotland: evidence review" (December 2021), SRUC were commissioned to undertake the research project, “Improving our understanding of child poverty in rural and island Scotland”.


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Congreve, E. (2019). Poverty in Scotland 2019. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

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Lonsdale, M. and Anderson, M. (2012). Preparing 21st Century learners: the case for school-community collaborations, Occasional Essays, Australian Council for Educational Research.

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McHardy, F. and Robertson, L. (2021). Transport and Child Poverty – Beyond the pandemic. Report for Transport Scotland by The Poverty Alliance.

McKendrick, J.H., Barclay, C., Carr, C., Clark, A., Holles, J., Perring, E. and Stien, L. (2011). Our Rural Numbers Are Not Enough: An independent position statement and recommendations to improve the identification of poverty, income inequality and deprivation in rural Scotland. Glasgow: Rural Poverty Indicators Action Learning Set.

NHS Health Scotland (2018). Child Poverty in Scotland: the national and local drivers, NHS Health Scotland: Edinburgh.

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Public Health Scotland (2021). Prioritise child poverty: a data and systems approach. Summary report.

Revoredo-Giha, C. and Russo, C. (2020). Food prices in Scottish remote areas: are they higher than average prices? Contributed Paper prepared for presentation at the 94th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, Belgium

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Scottish Government (2021a). Poverty in Rural Scotland: a review of evidence. Environment and Forestry Directorate.

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Scottish Government (2021c). The cost of remoteness - reflecting higher living costs in remote rural Scotland when measuring fuel poverty. Housing and Social Justice Directorate.

Scottish Government (2021d). Closing the poverty-related attainment gap: A report on progress 2016-2021. Learning Directorate.

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Skerratt, S. and Woolvin, M. (2014). Rural poverty and disadvantage: Falling between the cracks? In: Skerratt, et al. (eds) Rural Scotland in Focus 2014. Edinburgh: Rural Policy Centre, SRUC, pp. 56–89.

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Wilson, M.D. (2016). Understanding the Extent of Poverty in Rural Scotland. PhD thesis, University of Stirling.



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