Fair Start Scotland - evaluation report 3: year two - overview

Third report in a series of evaluation reports of Fair Start Scotland employability services which covers the second full year of service delivery (April 2019 - March 2020) and summarises findings from a participant phone survey, local area case studies and analysis of management information.


1. Reported under pseudonyms.

2. FSS early entry refers to where entry to FSS after six months of unemployment is open to people in specific situations that are linked to poorer employment outcomes. This includes, when people are from a minority ethnic community; are a lone parent; have a conviction; are a refugee; are care experienced; or live in one of Scotland's most deprived areas (within the lowest 15% SIMD (2016)).

3. Quarterly data on Fair Start Scotland, including protected characteristics breakdowns, are published as Official Statistics in Scotland's Devolved Employability Services: Statistical Summary. The data used in this publication is taken from the August 2020 statistics publication.

4. Every Child, Every Chance identified six 'priority families', family types that have a higher than average risk of child poverty: lone parent families; families which include a disabled adult or child; larger families; minority ethnic families; families with a child under one year old; families where the mother is under 25.

5. For more information on the Security Panel please see: https://www.gov.scot/collections/social-security-experience-panels-publications/.

6. Due to low base size, responses under 10% are not reported.

7. Warm handover refers to a process whereby the client's referrer actively engages in dialogue with the organisation being referred to as opposed to merely submitting referral paperwork.

8. See https://www.healthandworksupport.scot/ for more details on the pilot. Interim evaluation findings can also be found here: https://www.gov.scot/publications/health-work-support-pilot-interim-evaluation-report-implementation-early-delivery-review/pages/3/

9. See https://www.gov.scot/publications/one-left-behind-next-steps-integration-alignment-employability-support-scotland/ for more details.

10. See https://www.gov.scot/publications/evaluation-transitional-employment-services-phase-2/pages/6/ for more details.

11. Please note that this was self-reported working status, and also included any paid work, which could include those working fewer than 16 hours a week, which is not counted as being in work under FSS.

12. The national living wage for workers over the age of 25 was £8.21 at the time of the survey, it has since risen to £8.72.

13. Biopsychosocial refers to a holistic approach to service delivery which incorporates consideration of an individual's wider socio-environmental situation in addition to their biological and psychological health. (See Engel, G. L. (1977) "The Need for a New Medical Model: a Challenge for Biomedicine" Science Vol. 196 (4286): 129 - 36).


Email: socialresearch@gov.scot

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