Education - Achieving Excellence and Equity: National Improvement Framework and improvement plan 2023

Sets out the vision and priorities for Scottish education that have been agreed across the system, and the national improvement activity that needs to be undertaken to help deliver those key priorities.

Annex B: References and useful links

Additional Support for Learning Project Board: role and remit

Additional Support for Learning review: action plan - November 2022 update

Additional Support for Learning review action plan: second progress report

Audit Scotland report Improving outcomes for young people through school education

An Empowered System

Assessing Children's Progress – information for parents and carers

Beverly Daniel Tatum | TEDxStanford

Building Racial Literacy

Care Inspectorate quality framework for day care of children, childminding and school aged childcare

Child Poverty for Scotland third annual report

Children and young people's mental health and wellbeing: a professional learning resource for all school staff

Closing the poverty-related attainment gap: progress report 2016 to 2021 - summary report

Community mental health and wellbeing supports and services: framework

Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact of school building closures - equity audit

Coronavirus (COVID-19) education recovery: key actions and next steps

Curriculum for Excellence

Curriculum for Excellence: Building the Curriculum 5: A Framework for Assessment

Curriculum for Excellence review: implementation framework

The Cycle of Wellbeing

Decolonising the Curriculum: Exploring Positive Narratives that Challenge Assumptions, Empower Learners and Inspire Unity

Developing the Young Workforce – Scotland's Youth Employment Strategy

Driving Excellence and Equity: Advice on School Improvement Planning 2017/18

Education Bill policy ambition: joint agreement

Education Working for All! : Commission for Developing Scotland's Young Workforce Final Report, Scottish Government, June 2014

Education (Scotland) Act 2016

Education Governance: Next Steps – Empowering our teachers, parents and communities to deliver excellence and equity for our children

Early Level Play Pedagogy Toolkit

Empowering Schools: A consultation on the provisions of the Education (Scotland) Bill

ELC Quality Action Plan

Empowering Schools: education reform progress update

Empowering teachers, parents and communities to achieve Excellence and Equity – a governance review

Engaging Parents and Families Toolkit

Engaging families in learning – A thematic inspection of family learning

Family Learning Framework – Advice for Practitioners

Food and drink in schools consultation analysis report

Gender Based Violence in Schools Working Group

Getting It Right For All Learners during Covid: a reflective tool for educators working together across Scotland

GIRFEC Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC): GIRFEC principles and values - (

Growing Up in Scotland: Father-child relationships and child socio-emotional wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing in Curriculum for Excellence

Healthy eating in schools: guidance 2020

How Good is Our School? 4th edition, Education Scotland, September 2015

Independent review of Curriculum for Excellence: remit

Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment: Overview

Independent Review of the Scottish National Standardised Assessments at Primary 1


International Council of Education Advisers

International Council of Education Advisers: Report 2018-2020

Keeping the Promise implementation plan

Learning in the early years

Learning for Sustainability Action Plan

Learner Participation in Educational Settings (3-18)

Learning together: national action plan on parental involvement, engagement, family learning and learning at home 2018 – 2021

Let's Talk Scottish Education: Our National Discussion

Lockdown Lowdown: phase 3

Mental Health Foundation Survey report into teachers' mental health

Mental Health in Schools Working Group

Mental Health Strategy 2017-2027

My experience of Building Racial Literacy: power, motivation, hope and positivity

National guidance for child protection in Scotland 2021

National Improvement Framework

National Improvement Hub

National Improvement Hub: CERG guidance

National Improvement Hub: Nurture and trauma-informed approached: A summary of supports and resources

National Improvement Framework interactive evidence report

National Improvement Framework – a consultation on enhanced data collection for improvement – analysis of consultation responses

National Improvement Framework: Consultation on measuring the attainment gap and milestones towards closing it

National overview of practice: reports

National Parent Forum's review of the 2006 Parental Involvement Act

National Parent Forum of Scotland: Empowering Parents and Carers

National standardised assessments in Scotland: purpose and use - (

Nurture, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Trauma informed practice: Making the links between these approaches | Self-evaluation | National Improvement Hub (

OECD Education Policy Outlook 2015, Making Reforms Happen

OECD Report Improving Schools in Scotland: An OECD perspective

OECD Report Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence: into the future

Out to Play, practical guidance for creating outdoor play experiences in early learning and childcare

Parental Involvement Act

Parent Communications Plan

Parental Involvement Act – Statutory Guidance consultation – published responses

Parentzone Scotland

Parentzone Scotland – Parent Councils

Primary to secondary school transitions: systematic literature review - key findings

Positive mental wellbeing - resources to support children and young people | Learning resources | National Improvement Hub (

Putting Learners at the Centre: Towards a Future Vision for Scottish Education

Race Equality and Anti-Racism in Education Programme: Stakeholder Network Group - (

Realising the ambition: Being Me

Research Strategy for Scottish Education

Refreshed Narrative on Scotland's Curriculum

Reporting to Parents and Carers Guidance for schools and ELC settings

Review of additional support for learning implementation: report

Review of Personal and Social Education: preparing Scotland's children and young people for learning, work and life

Schools - Regional Improvement Collaboratives: review

School information dashboard

Schools: personal and social education review

Scottish Attainment Challenge: framework for recovery and accelerating progress

Scottish Attainment Challenge - local stretch aims: 2022 to 2023

Scottish Childminding Association

Scottish Household Survey

Scottish Learner Panel - Children and young people put their needs and interests at the heart of the Scottish education system

Self-evaluation framework for Initial Teacher Education

Senior Phase: Headteacher Survey report was published in September 2019

Standards in Scotland's Schools etc. Act 2000 statutory guidance

Story of the Building Racial Literacy Programme

Strategic Framework for Parental Involvement, Parental Engagement, Family Learning and Learning at Home

Summary of outdoor learning resources

Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 4: 2022 Edition

Supporting disabled children, young people and their families: guidance

Synergies for Better Learning: An International Perspective on Evaluation and Assessment

Teaching in a Diverse Scotland: Increasing and Retaining Minority Ethnic Teachers – 3 years on

The Promise 21-24 action plan

Towards a Learning System; a new approach to raising standards for all in Scottish schools

Upper-secondary education student assessment in Scotland: a comparative perspective

Young Ambassadors for Inclusion vision statement for success

Young Women Lead Committee Report on Sexual Harassment in Schools



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