
Statistical Bulletin Crime and Justice Series: Fire Statistics Scotland, 2010-11

Statistical information on the incidents attended by Scotland's fire and rescue services for 2010-11.

Table 16a: Primary dwelling fires and casualties by presence and operation of smoke alarms 2010-11 provisional - Fire and Rescue Service
Primary Dwelling Fires 1 Number Primary Dwelling Fires 1 Percentage
FRS Present, operated & raised alarm Present, operated but did not raise alarm Present but did not operate Smoke alarm absent Don't know if smoke alarm was present3 Total fires Present, operated & raised alarm Present, operated but did not raise alarm Present but did not operate Smoke alarm absent Don't know if smoke alarm was present3
Central 95 23 34 96 6 254 37.4 9.1 13.4 37.8 2.4
Dumfries & Galloway 43 20 29 17 1 110 39.1 18.2 26.4 15.5 0.9
Fife 89 48 36 126 1 300 29.7 16.0 12.0 42.0 0.3
Grampian 290 30 52 234 13 619 46.8 4.8 8.4 37.8 2.1
Highlands & Islands 76 16 33 109 15 249 30.5 6.4 13.3 43.8 6.0
Lothian & Borders 450 101 179 464 21 1,215 37.0 8.3 14.7 38.2 1.7
Strathclyde 1,303 226 373 1,043 87 3,032 43.0 7.5 12.3 34.4 2.9
Tayside 239 30 86 199 3 557 42.9 5.4 15.4 35.7 0.5
Scotland 2,585 494 822 2,288 147 6,336 40.8 7.8 13.0 36.1 2.3
Fatal Casualties - Primary Dwelling Fires 1 Number Fatal Casualties - Primary Dwelling Fires 1 Percentage
FRS Present, operated & raised alarm Present, operated but did not raise alarm Present but did not operate Smoke alarm absent Don't know if smoke alarm was present3 Total fatal casualties Present, operated & raised alarm Present, operated but did not raise alarm Present but did not operate Smoke alarm absent Don't know if smoke alarm was present3
Central - - - - 2 2 - - - - 100.0
Dumfries & Galloway - - - - - - - - - - -
Fife - 1 - - 1 2 - 50.0 - - 50.0
Grampian - - 2 3 1 6 - - 33.3 50.0 16.7
Highlands & Islands - - - - - - - - - - -
Lothian & Borders 3 - 2 1 1 7 42.9 - 28.6 14.3 14.3
Strathclyde 7 2 2 4 3 18 38.9 11.1 11.1 22.2 16.7
Tayside 3 1 1 - - 5 60.0 20.0 20.0 - -
Scotland 13 4 7 8 8 40 32.5 10.0 17.5 20.0 20.0
Non-Fatal Casualties - Primary Dwelling Fires1, 2 Number Non-Fatal Casualties - Primary Dwelling Fires 1, 2 Percentage
FRS Present, operated & raised alarm Present, operated but did not raise alarm Present but did not operate Smoke alarm absent Don't know if smoke alarm was present3 Total non-fatal casualties Present, operated & raised alarm Present, operated but did not raise alarm Present but did not operate Smoke alarm absent Don't know if smoke alarm was present3
Central 17 4 - 10 1 32 53.1 12.5 - 31.3 3.1
Dumfries & Galloway 7 3 1 - - 11 63.6 27.3 9.1 - -
Fife 14 15 7 15 - 51 27.5 29.4 13.7 29.4 -
Grampian 58 7 11 58 2 136 42.6 5.1 8.1 42.6 1.5
Highlands & Islands 6 3 6 3 2 20 30.0 15.0 30.0 15.0 10.0
Lothian & Borders 132 30 50 114 4 330 40.0 9.1 15.2 34.5 1.2
Strathclyde 219 38 57 133 17 464 47.2 8.2 12.3 28.7 3.7
Tayside 29 4 18 13 - 64 45.3 6.3 28.1 20.3 -
Scotland 482 104 150 346 26 1,108 43.5 9.4 13.5 31.2 2.3

1 - includes caravans and houseboats used solely as a permanent dwelling
2 - there has been a change in the recording of non-fatal casualties and 2009-10 and beyond can no longer be compared to previous years - see paragraph 6.3.3 ii for details
3 - there has been a change in the recording of smoke alarms - see paragraph 6.3.4 iv

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