
Self-directed support: improvement plan 2023 to 2027

Plan for all those with a role in ensuring people experience high quality social care in line with the principles and values of the Self Directed Support (SDS) Act 2013. The Plan identifies four outcome areas reflecting where improvements in how SDS is delivered are most needed.

‘Golden threads’

Golden threads include a number cross-cutting issues which are fundamental to the full delivery of SDS as intended by the SDS Act and other relevant legislation. The golden threads are areas that all activity related to SDS improvement should consider in implementation.

These are:

  • human rights, the values and principles of SDS and of the Independent Living Movement.[4]
  • the role of the third sector and care providers in SDS improvement.
  • that people with lived experience of SDS should be involved in all the Plan’s activities.
  • the importance of transitions – both from children’s to adults’ services, and at other life stages, for example, moving into residential care, or out of hospital.
  • the needs of marginalised groups – including those who are under-represented in access to SDS and those, including disabled people, who may face specific barriers to accessing it.
  • the needs of rural, island and remote communities.
  • how digital technology could support improved service planning and delivery.
  • the role of Personal Assistants.
  • the universality of SDS, including its availability to children and families and other groups including homeless people, older adults and those living with addiction.

For more details about key terms and definitions used in this document, please refer to the Glossary of the recently updated SDS Statutory Guidance (November 2022).



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