
Self-directed support: improvement plan 2023 to 2027

Plan for all those with a role in ensuring people experience high quality social care in line with the principles and values of the Self Directed Support (SDS) Act 2013. The Plan identifies four outcome areas reflecting where improvements in how SDS is delivered are most needed.

Supporting activities

There are a number of supporting activities which underpin the implementation of this Plan.

  • National SDS Collaboration: continue to facilitate the National SDS Collaboration to develop and implement best practice in SDS and support and influence national policy development.
  • SDS Community of Practice: continue to facilitate learning and development of SDS approaches within and between local areas.
  • SDS Conference: facilitate annual SDS National Voice conference to engage cross-sector partners in SDS developments.
  • All partners being willing to share information and data.
  • All partners playing a role in publishing or promoting SDS resources to increase awareness amongst supported people, practitioners and support organisations of SDS resources, good practice and guidance.



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