
Self-directed support: improvement plan 2023 to 2027

Plan for all those with a role in ensuring people experience high quality social care in line with the principles and values of the Self Directed Support (SDS) Act 2013. The Plan identifies four outcome areas reflecting where improvements in how SDS is delivered are most needed.

What we heard during the consultation

More than a hundred individuals and organisations responded to the consultation that informed this Plan.

While it has not been possible to capture every comment or suggestion made during the consultation, the Plan attempts to reflect some of the most commonly expressed views about what needs to happen to improve SDS, and what needs to be prioritised.

The responses to the consultation highlight several issues that will be key to improvement:

  • ensuring people with lived experience are involved in planning services
  • ensuring people who need social care support are informed about SDS and understand their rights
  • ensuring access to support, including independent support and advice throughout the SDS process
  • making sure SDS is included in social workers’ education and ongoing training
  • ensuring leaders are informed about SDS and subscribe to the values and principles of SDS

The responses to the consultation also highlighted that the Plan needs to recognise specific cross-cutting issues throughout – we call these ‘golden threads’. See the relevant section for more information on these.



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