
Self-directed support: improvement plan 2023 to 2027

Plan for all those with a role in ensuring people experience high quality social care in line with the principles and values of the Self Directed Support (SDS) Act 2013. The Plan identifies four outcome areas reflecting where improvements in how SDS is delivered are most needed.

Themes and activities

Below are listed the key outcomes, themes and activities beginning from the financial year 2023-24 undertaken by local authorities, third sector organisations (including those funded by the Scottish Government such as In Control, Self-Directed Support Scotland, Social Work Scotland, Inspiring Scotland and The Alliance), public bodies and Scottish Government policy teams. This publication may be updated throughout the life of the Plan to reflect future year’s activities and relevant reporting progress made within the previous year.

This plan highlights core outcomes and themes for the improvement of SDS based on research, personal and professional experience and wider consultation. The plan aims to set out a national direction of travel by identifying the strategic areas for focused improvement underpinned by the overall shared ambition of improving the experience of accessing SDS, and improving the outcomes of people and carers. Organisations and delivery partners are encouraged to use this plan to consider how these outcomes and themes can be advanced nationally and/or locally. The activities below are examples of specific areas of work that have been identified but are not exhaustive.

1 Supported person and carers’ choice and control over their support

1.1 Access to SDS support, brokerage, advice, advocacy and tools

1.1.1 Continue to fund independent support and advice through Support in the Right Direction funding.

1.1.2 Provision of access to SDS advice, independent advocacy, brokerage and preventative support.

1.1.3 Continue to build capacity of supported people and Independent Support Organisations (ISOs).

1.1.4 Brokerage: continue to deliver the SQA Award for Brokerage, develop a National Brokerage Framework for Scotland. support practitioner understanding and knowledge of community brokerage and develop the Approved Brokers Community of Practice.

1.2 Improving the availability and flexibility of SDS Options

1.2.1 Work to address key barriers to use of SDS Option 2 in Adults’ and Children’s services.

1.2.2 Support provider engagement with Option 2.

1.2.3 Develop and roll-out of tools and contractual models for Option 2 to increase workforce confidence and efficiency in offering it.

1.2.4 Work to increase flexibility in the provision of in-house and commissioned services when delivering Option 3.

1.3 Increase public information about SDS and improve its reach

1.3.1 Promote SDS using agreed common language reflecting good practice, including through information sessions.

1.3.2 Ensure SDS communications are in accessible formats. This includes communication about support planning and the promotion and signposting of appropriate tools and language services.

1.4 Support Personal Assistant employers

1.4.1 Maintain and develop the Personal Assistant Employer Handbook and related Personal Assistant Employer resources.

2 Enhanced worker skills, practice and autonomy

2.1 Improve SDS Practice Resources

2.1.1 Finalise, publish online and promote practitioner toolkit as a guide to SDS practice resources.

2.1.2 Update and roll-out of practice guidance to support implementation consistent with the refreshed SDS Statutory Guidance and revised SDS Framework of Standards. See also Theme 4.3 (Standards).

2.2 Social work education and incorporation of practice development for SDS

2.2.1 Ensure the principles of SDS are reflected in the emerging post-qualifying Advanced Practice Framework for Social Work, including describing the knowledge, competencies and skills required across the full breadth of social work roles (framework to be launched by OCSWA September 2024, followed by the development of a training plan).

2.2.2 Review of current SDS training at both local and national level, consistent with an alignment to the developing Advanced Practice Framework for Social Work (see above).

3 Systems and Culture

3.1 Improved involvement of supported people in planning

3.1.1 Review the involvement of supported people and carers in planning and evaluating social care support services and make improvements where identified. Including through the use of Planning with People Guidance and in line with Equal Partners in Care principles.

3.1.2 Enabling flexible use of individual budgets in accordance with the supported person’s choice, outcomes identified in their support plan and desired degree of control.

3.2 More ethical and equitable processes for commissioning, resource and budget allocation

3.2.1 Develop and share good practice on commissioning for SDS, and ensure processes align with the most up-to-date guidance and principles from the Adult Social Care (ASC) Ethical Commissioning Working Group.

3.2.2 Work to further develop the flexible use of budgets for short breaks for carers, for example promoting examples where positive outcomes have been achieved, and sharing learning about the flexible use of SDS budgets.

3.2.3 Supporting local review, good practice and improvement of Resource Allocation Systems, for example testing of calculation methodology, and sharing learning and good practice more widely.

3.3 Improving referral pathways

3.3.1 Work to improve referral pathways by embedding choice and control early in the hospital discharge process, including linking to community-based initiatives and support to facilitate early intervention.

3.4 Effectively mainstreaming SDS principles into relevant policies

3.4.1 Ensure that SDS is embedded into key national priorities including NCS, the Promise, Dementia Strategy, Ethical Commissioning and GIRFE themes as they develop, drawing on stakeholder evidence and expertise.

4 Leaders understand and help staff realise SDS principles and values

4.1 Supporting local authorities to ensure principles of SDS are incorporated into local planning and systems

4.1.1 Support local areas to embed SDS within relevant local policies and plans reflecting SDS as the way social care support should be delivered, including access to peer support to share learning.

4.1.2 Support Local Authority leaders across Scotland to innovate, embed, implement and sustain good practice to ensure that all care groups have access to SDS, incorporating good practice on self-evaluation and evidence on where challenges and opportunities exist.

4.2 Improved data and reporting on information, choice and quality of options to aid planning

4.2.1 Improve data-gathering approaches to better determine extent that individuals are accessing their preferred option and their personal outcomes are being met.

4.3 Ensuring leaders are supported through access to shared good practice

4.3.1 Review, refresh and promote the SDS Standards. The refresh will use the principles of Equalities Impact Assessment, Fairer Scotland Action Plan and Islands Community Impact Assessment to ensure that they cover all equality groups, care groups including informal carers, islands and diverse geographies.

4.3.2 Continue to support local areas to embed the 12 Standards. Where relevant and appropriate, support local authority implementation of SDS Framework of Standards in three priority areas: Standard 3: Relationship- and strengths- and asset-based approaches across care groups and across all four SDS options. Standard 8: Worker Autonomy (particularly in assessment, support planning and determining personal budgets). Standard 12: Access to Budgets and Flexibility of Spend (including improving processes and approaches to approving personal budgets).

4.3.3 Consider and develop ways in which the SDS framework of standard may be adapted and used by ISOs to build on improvement of SDS across the whole system.

A number of additional areas of work were suggested and developed as part of the consultation work for this plan which may be considered in future years. Examples include:

  • establish a national freecall SDS helpline which can signpost to local independent support organisations, as a transition measure towards the establishment of the National Care Service.
  • work to explore credible, legally sound, workable models for pooling budgets so that supported people have the option of combining resources with others with similar needs.
  • work to enable relationship-based social work practice within a community-led model of early help and support.
  • development of a training framework for PA Employers.



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