Independent Commission for the Land-based Learning Review report - SG response: implementation plan

Planning setting out the process and activities involved in delivering the Scottish Government’s response to the Land-based Learning Review’s recommendations.

Implementation Plan


This section sets out the process and activities involved in delivering the Scottish Government’s response to the Land-based Learning Review’s recommendations. For each recommendation it provides Outputs, Implementing Actions and, for the majority, Timescales and Milestones. Annex A contains the detail of the Scottish Government’s response to the Land-based Learning Review recommendations.

The first annual update report on progress will be published in Spring 2025.

Recommendation 1:

Work towards the reframing of the land-based sectors as nature-based.

Recommendation Accepted in Principle


A Scottish Government decision on whether to work towards adopting the term ‘nature-based’ to refer to the land-based and aquaculture sectors collectively.

Implementing Actions

We will undertake research and engagement to inform a decision on adopting the term “nature-based” and have already commenced work to develop this with Lantra. Timescales are still to be established. The findings from the research and engagement will be used to understand key relevant groups’ views, i.e. young people, and potential career changers, on using the term and the potential to contribute to attracting more people to work in the sector.


Initial development and potential research 2024/2025.

Analysis and engagement 2025.

Advice to Ministers for decision 2025.


Research completed 2025.

Stakeholder consultation and workshops held 2025.

Recommendation 1.1:

Develop an effective communications strategy to support the reframing of the Sector.

Recommendation Accepted in Principle


Delivery of a communications strategy to support reframing to nature-based in the first quarter of 2025 (subject to decision on Recommendation 1).

Implementing Actions

We will develop a communications strategy with stakeholders to support a wider understanding and use of the term ‘nature-based.’ This will be progressed by Scottish Government staff working with stakeholders and via their networks.


Deliver a communications strategy 2025/26.


Communication plan developed with stakeholders 2025.

Communications strategy implemented from 2025.

Recommendation 2:

Establish clear progressive experiences for nature-based learning and climate literacy across all levels of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE).

Recommendation Accepted


Work by Education Scotland, Keep Scotland Beautiful, other public bodies and stakeholders to facilitate experiences for nature-based learning and climate literacy across CfE.

Implementing Actions

Education Scotland has developed a dedicated Learning for Sustainability (LfS) themed webpage that will provide examples of LfS in practice, including content on nature-based activities. Keep Scotland Beautiful (KSB) continues to deliver their Climate Actions Schools programme which includes content on nature and climate literacy. LfS is one of the core competencies that is being looked at as part of the curriculum improvement cycle.


Embed this activity into the Learning for Sustainability refreshed Action Plan actions and milestones.

Commencement of Curriculum Improvement Cycle from December 2023.

Education Scotland to launch LfS online portal Autumn 2024.

Recommendation 2.1: a

Identify ways to support an increase in Sector school/college partnership learning pathways, offered and undertaken by schools.

Recommendation Accepted in Principle


Desk-based research, mapping out the current land-based and aquaculture learning pathways.

A workshop with stakeholders to identify good practice and barriers.

A paper, collating evidence and identifying ways to support an increase in sector school/college and other partnerships.

Education Scotland engagement on key lessons learned with schools and colleges on land-based and aquaculture learning pathways.

Implementing Actions

Preliminary research, reaching out to key partners, to map the land-based and aquaculture learning pathways which currently exist across Scotland.

Present research to Education Scotland’s Learner Pathways co-design group and undertake discussion on what’s working well – why is it working well? What barriers are being faced in other areas?

Production of paper to support improvement.

Education Scotland to engage schools/colleges nationally on the issue.


Research and discussions with key stakeholders to understand what learner pathways are already available for land-based learning, July – October 2024.

Education Scotland to convene the meeting of the Learner Pathways Co-Design Group to present findings of preliminary research and undertake a fuller discussion of the barriers and opportunities that currently exist in relation to sector specific pathways.

Production of a paper following workshop discussions including actions to support an increase in sector specific school/college partnerships where this is in line with regional economic needs and the college’s strategic planning.

Education Scotland to take forward the suggestions in the paper.

Recommendation 2.2:

Provide ongoing Career Long Professional Learning (CLPL) support for school-based staff and volunteers across all education authorities, supported by education providers to improve their knowledge and understanding of the opportunities within the Sector. Include practical training in supporting learning in the natural environment.

Recommendation Accepted in Principle


Career Long Professional Learning (CLPL) support provided to staff and volunteers in education authorities. This will include practical training in supporting learning in the natural environment.

Implementing Actions

Education Scotland has established the Learning for Sustainability(LfS) Peer Mentor Network with 25+ mentors recruited from a range of sectors, backgrounds and local authorities. In the 6 week pilot period, over 97 engagements were undertaken reaching some 600+ practitioners across 20 local authorities. The next phase of the programme for Financial Year 2024/25 has commenced.

Education Scotland has developed a dedicated online LfS themed webpage that will provide examples of LfS in practice, including signposting educators to professional learning opportunities.


Embed this activity into the Learning for Sustainability refreshed Action Plan actions and milestones.

Next phase of LfS Mentor programme underway in 2024/25.

Education Scotland to launch LfS themed webpage Autumn 2024.

Recommendation 3:

Ensure that the Learning for Sustainability (LfS) Action Plan refresh encompasses strong progressive learning experiences relating to nature-based learning.

Recommendation Accepted


LfS Action Plan includes progressive learning experiences for nature-based learning.

Implementing Actions

The LfS themed webpage will provide content on this. LfS is one of the core competencies that is being looked at as part of the curriculum improvement cycle.


2024-2025 and beyond.


Embed this activity into the LfS refreshed Action Plan’s actions and milestones

Commencement of Curriculum Improvement Cycle from December 2023.

Education Scotland to launch LfS themed webpage Autumn 2024.

Recommendation 3.1:

Establish a robust approach to monitoring quality of the curriculum delivery of Learning for Sustainability (LfS), including the quantity and quality of nature-based and outdoor learning.

Recommendation Accepted in Principle


A refreshed version of Education Scotland’s self-evaluation tool for LfS.

Implementing Actions

The Scottish Government will run a series of workshops with a group of stakeholders to collaboratively develop an approach to Measuring Success and Driving Improvement. Children and young people’s groups are being consulted on this work.




Embed this activity into the LfS refreshed Action Plan actions and milestones.

Establish LfS working group to lead development of approach Summer 2024.

Recommendation 3.2:

Promote the delivery of more outdoor learning by supporting local authorities and colleges to undertake a review of their estate, to identify the potential for carbon reduction, climate change mitigation and the creation of accessible nature spaces.

Recommendation Accepted in Principle


Creation of Discovery Trail and The Howff (sheltered outdoor learning space) on the Queen Margaret University (QMU) Campus, development of digital resources and the Masters Module. These resources are aimed at teachers, student teachers and local authorities etc.

The Climate Ready School Grounds (CRSG) project provides resources, case studies, School Grounds Climate survey, lesson plans and guidance for teachers and local authorities.

Guidance on developing interventions in school grounds to help support schools in creating more inspirational outdoor settings, including guidance to help create spaces that mitigate against climate based issues. This will be aimed at schools and local authorities etc.

The Co-designing Sustainable Learning Settings project is about supporting the delivery of the Learning for Sustainability policy in our places and communities. This will be tested through delivering pilot projects which co-design sustainable learning settings in varied school contexts such as urban, rural and town settings.

The College Infrastructure Investment plan being developed in 2025 will identify net zero projects and evaluation guidance is likely to consider issues such as climate mitigation, carbon reduction and biodiversity.

Implementing Actions

Making Places for Outdoor Learning module and digital resources, which are aimed at e.g. teachers, student teachers and local authorities. School workshops to test ideas and develop action plans and case studies based on pilot projects.

Resources with design ideas, guidance, tools and risk assessments, aimed at e.g. schools and local authorities. Place-based workshops, case studies and guidance.

Timescale and Milestones

Outdoor Learning Hub at QMU was officially launched by the Minister for Higher and Further Education in March 2024.

CRSG project was launched in September 2023.

Outdoor spaces toolkit is due to be published in 2024/25.

Co-designing Sustainable Learning Settings project starts in 2024/25.

Recommendation 4:

Ensure funding to support core and innovative nature-based education and training programmes, to ensure sustainable provision to allow for fluctuating uptake.

Recommendation Accepted in Principle

Implementing Actions

In this challenging funding environment, the Scottish Government and Scottish Funding Council (SFC) continue to take a considered approach to college and university funding with the focus on sustainability and the delivery of high-quality provision to meet the needs of learners, employers, communities and regional economies. Institutions are responsible for their own sustainability and operational decisions, including course provision, and are best placed to respond flexibly to emerging trends at local and regional level.


The funding process for colleges and universities follows an annual cycle, through the SFC’s allocation process. SFC work closely with the sectors to identify the best split of the available resources, taking into account Government priorities and the sectors’ needs. The allocations enable colleges and universities to move forward with their planning for the forthcoming Academic Year and offering student places.


Publication of Scottish Funding Council’s annual funding allocations for colleges and universities.

Recommendation 5:

Ensure that accreditation bodies (at all curriculum levels) have sufficient capacity to respond timeously to review existing awards and develop new awards, guaranteeing the skills and knowledge requirements of the Sector are met.

Recommendation Accepted in Principle


Identify options for a change in scope with a view to providing advice to Ministers.

Implementing Actions

Flexible qualifications and the reform of the post-school education and skills system were highlighted in our response to the review. As part of this work, a Short Life working group on the scope of accreditation has been established with three of its four planned meetings having taken place. A series of stakeholder events have also taken place. Ministers will be asked to consider options for change early in 2025.


Spring 2025.


Stakeholder engagement meetings carried out Autumn 2024 – Complete.

Short life working group meeting notes and action taken - Early 2025.

Submission of advice to Ministers - Spring 2025.

Recommendation 6:

Contribute to the Skills delivery landscape independent review, ensuring that the complex needs of the sector are understood and addressed.


Recommendation 7:

Contribute to the Skills delivery landscape independent review, ensuring that the 16+ Data Hub captures the wide range of job roles undertaken across the Sector to allow for effective monitoring and impact.

Recommendation Accepted


The issue of capturing job titles in the sector was raised by the Land-based Learning Review’s Co-Chair as part of their evidence to the Skills Delivery Landscape Review.

We will develop an understanding of the job titles and data sets used by the 16+ Data Hub to identify practicable opportunities for improvement to better reflect the range of careers in the sector.

Implementing Actions

Work with stakeholders, including Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and Data Hub users to understand and identify opportunities for improvement.

Share the issues raised in the Land-based Learning Review regarding data sets and job titles with data collectors.

Work with users of data e.g. SDS, Lantra, careers advisors, local authorities to explore how jobs in the sector can be better captured.


2024 - 2025.


Scope a project working with industry skills groups to provide an understanding of which job titles are priorities for change by spring 2025.

Recommendation 8: a

Support the retention of critical Higher Education (HE) provision in areas such as forestry and aquaculture by developing innovative ways to extend the reach of their delivery.

Recommendation Accepted in Principle


A Scottish Government led skills planning approach will help develop a better understanding of skills needs at the national level and how we can better address them, particularly where solutions lie within the education and skills system.

This work will be critical in ensuring that the system is more responsive and in a better position to meet our economic, environmental and social needs and ambitions.

However, universities and colleges are responsible for their curriculum and course choices responding to local, regional, national and in some cases international economic need and learner demands.

Implementing Actions

Relevant Scottish Government policy areas to support and feed into the skills planning work led by the Scottish Government’s Lifelong Learning and Skills Directorate.


Cross-government work and external engagement on skills planning is well under way and will inform the design of new skills planning approaches in 2025.


Guidelines for developing a strengthened approach to regional skills planning – September 2024.

Options identified for future skills planning models in spring 2025 and announcement of chosen option in late 2025.

Recommendation 9:

For the new Agriculture Scotland Bill, as part of Tiers 3 and 4, to include provisions to enable support to fund upskilling/Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training for farmers and employees to support priority, quality non-legislative training towards a just transition to a green economy.

Recommendation Accepted


The Agriculture and Rural Communities Act 2024 has now been brought into force and this includes provision to introduce CPD as part of an Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) by way of regulations. The Act also makes provision for support being provided for other knowledge exchange and transfer activities. The need for secondary legislation and further engagement with stakeholders is currently under consideration.

Preliminary analyses, following informal stakeholder consultation and research is now complete. The next stage is to refine and prioritise options.

We have also finalised and implemented a research fellowship from SEFARI (Scottish Environment, Food and Agriculture Research Institutions) that is due to report around November 2024.

Implementing Actions

Powers in Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Act.

Consultation on secondary legislation for CPD regime.

CPD regime procurement and coming into operation.

Continuing to make progress with AKIS preparations following enactment of Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Act, to be introduced from 2027 under Tier 4 of ARP.


2024 - 2027.


Agriculture and Rural Communities (Scotland) Act introduced in July 2024.

Consultation on secondary legislation for CPD 2025.

Procurement of CPD 2026.

Recommendation 10:

Strongly recommend that Scottish Government incentivise uptake of structured Education and Training programmes to support the Agricultural sector.

Recommendation Accepted in Principle

Whilst Scottish Government does not propose to develop and implement a structured programme for education and training for agriculture, work will be undertaken as part of the Agricultural Reform Programme to develop a Continued Professional Development system to enable farmers, crofters and land managers to record personal and professional development activities. This initiative aligns with recommendation 9 and will form part of an Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) to be introduced from 2027.

Recommendation 11:

Amend the annual compulsory Agriculture Census to include specific Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) questions, which can be used by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and others to inform the Sector’s skills needs more accurately.

Recommendation Accepted in Principle


Scottish Government Agriculture census will be amended to include specific LMI questions to inform the sector’s skills needs.

Implementing Actions

Once the Agriculture Census Survey is completed and results published in October, new questions can be considered for 2025.


2024 - 2025.


New LMI questions considered for the Scottish Government Agriculture census; agreed questions added to 2025 census 2024-25.

Recommendation 11.1:

Identify opportunities to add LMI questions to other Sector surveys sent out by the Scottish Government or related agencies.

Recommendation Accepted


The Scottish Government will seek opportunities to add LMI questions to other relevant sector surveys.

Implementing Actions

We will engage with survey managers across Scottish Government to assess where there are opportunities to add LMI questions to surveys in alignment with those added to the Agricultural Census.


October 2024 to March 2025.


New LMI questions considered for relevant sector surveys.

Recommendation 12:

Undertake research which identifies key transferable skills required across different job roles within the Sector.

Recommendation Accepted


Final report and summary paper of key transferable skills required across different job roles within the land-based and aquaculture sectors in rural Scotland.

Implementing Actions

Desk-based evidence review of key transferable skills required across different job roles within the land-based and aquaculture sectors in rural Scotland.

Stakeholder engagement and primary research, e.g. workshops or interviews.

Research questions and methods to be agreed.


Begin in early 2025.


Final report and summary paper 2025.

Recommendation 13:

Ensure learning from interventions such as the Women in Agriculture Taskforce and Women in Scottish Aquaculture is used to inform actions to attract more women into sectors where there is a gender imbalance.

Recommendation Accepted

Recommendation 13.1:

Ensure learning from interventions support other groups which are under-represented in the Sector.

Recommendation Accepted


Examples of good practice and evidence of barriers and challenges gathered from desk-based research and shared with relevant sectors.

Implementing Actions:

Gather examples of good practice from Women in Agriculture, Women in Scottish Aquaculture, Scottish Government Practical Training Funds (PTFs), stakeholder organisations, Industry Leadership Groups and skills groups.

Gather information on barriers from Women in Agriculture, Women in Scottish Aquaculture, Scottish Government Practical Training Funds, sector groups and delivery organisations.

Gather information from Women in Agriculture Programme Outcomes Mapping. Quarterly meeting between Women in Agriculture and Women in Business team.

Work with Scottish Government policy teams and organisations that comprise of and work with under-represented groups.

Gather any relevant information from the development of the Gender Strategy for Agriculture that can be used by other sectors with a gender imbalance.


August 2024 to April 2035.


Desk-based research, including using data from the Scottish Government Practical Training Funds’ reports on uptake and interest.

Bank of good practice examples that can be shared with stakeholders, funders and training providers.

Recommendation 14:

Sector ‘Industry Leadership Groups’ (or equivalent) to establish what help or interventions would enable their industries to meet fair work requirements.

Recommendation Accepted


Desk-based research to establish a baseline on barriers, opportunities and current good practice on Fair Work in the Sector.

For example, data will be gathered on Fair Work practices in the Sector. Lantra Scotland will continue to work with Forestry Industry Leadership Groups to ensure progress on Fair Work First. The aim will be to identify good practice from this that can be shared with the sectors through the Industry Leadership Groups and skills groups.

Work to raise awareness with Industry Leadership Groups and skills groups to identify what help or interventions that employers in the sector require.

Implementing Actions

Recipients of Scottish Government funding must meet Fair Work First Conditionality.

Lantra will support Fair Work practices with Skills Hub training providers that may then be developed and extended to more providers and stakeholders.

Establish links with Industry Leadership Groups and skills groups for each part of the Sector e.g. aquaculture, horticulture, agriculture.




Lantra pilot research complete in December 2024.

Recommendation 15:

Annually review recommendation progress, whilst sharing best practice and lessons learned.

Recommendation Accepted


A meeting to review progress and share good practice involving former Commission members and stakeholders 12 months after publication of Scottish Government response.

Progress update report published.

Implementing Actions

Scottish Government policy teams will monitor actions to progress the response to the recommendations.

Scottish Government will host a meeting with former Commission members in Autumn 2024.


End 2024 – Spring 2025.


Implementation Plan published - complete.

First annual reporting on progress published spring 2025.

Annual review event held spring 2025.



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