Scottish Employer Skills Survey 2020: Technical Report

Technical report for the Scottish Employer Skills Survey 2020.

Appendix A: Industry coding

Each establishment was allocated to one of 13 sectors, based on their Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). SIC 2007 was used to classify establishments using the following method: using the four-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) supplied for each record from the Market Location database, a description of business activity was read out to each respondent. If they agreed that this description matched the main activity undertaken at the establishment, then the SIC on Market Location's database was assumed to be correct. If, however, the respondent felt the description did not correspond to their main business activity at the site (27% of cases), a verbatim response was collected of their main activity. At the analysis stage this was coded to a four-digit SIC which was then used as the basis for their classification into one of the 13 sectors.

Table 8 below shows the 13 sectors and their corresponding SIC 2007 definitions.[9]

Table 8: SIC 2007 definitions of industry sectors

Sector SIC 2007
Primary Sector and Utilities A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing (01-03) Including farming, hunting and other related service activities, forestry and logging, fishing and aquaculture B - Mining and quarrying (05-09) Including mining of coal, metals, sand/stone/clay, and extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (35) E - Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (36-39) Including electric power generation, transmission and distribution, manufacture of gas and distribution of gaseous fuels, steam and air conditioning supply, water collection, treatment and supply, sewerage and waste collection
Manufacturing C - Manufacturing (10-33) Including manufacture of food and beverage, textiles, chemicals and chemical products, basic pharmaceutical products, other mineral products, manufacture of metals and metal products, machinery, computer and electronic products and equipment, motor vehicles and other transport equipment, furniture, and repair and installation of machinery and equipment
Construction F - Construction (41-43) Including the construction of buildings, civil engineering (constructing roads, railways and other utility projects), demolition, and specialised activities such as electrical installation, roofing and scaffold erection
Wholesale and Retail G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motor cycles (45-47) Including sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles, parts and accessories, non-vehicle wholesale (for example agriculture, food, household goods), and the retail trade of all products whether in stores, stalls, markets, mail order or online
Hotels and Restaurants I - Accommodation and food service activities (55-56) Including hotels, campsites, youth hostels, holiday centres, villages and other short stay accommodation, restaurants and takeaways, event catering and licensed clubs, pubs and bars
Transport and Storage H - Transport and storage (49-53) Including land, water and air transport (passenger and freight), warehousing and support activities for transportation, postal and courier activities,
Information and Communications J - Information and communication (58-63) Including publishing (books, journals, newspapers etc. and software/computer games), television, film and music production, broadcasting, telecommunications, computer programming and consultancy, information service activities (e.g. data processing and hosting)
Financial Services K - Financial and insurance activities (64-66) Including banks and building societies, activities of holding companies, trusts, funds and similar financial entities, credit granting, pensions, insurance and reinsurance
Business services L - Real estate activities (68) M - Professional, scientific and technical activities (69-75) N - Administrative and support service activities (77-82) Including the buying, selling and renting of real estate, legal activities, accounting, bookkeeping and auditing, management consultancy, architectural and engineering activities, scientific research and development, advertising and market research, specialist design, photographic activities, translation and interpretation, veterinary activities, renting and leasing of tangible goods (motors, household, machinery), employment agencies, travel agencies and tour operations, security and investigation activities, office administration and business support
Public Administration O - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security (84) Including administration of the State and economic and social policy of the community, provision of services to the community such as defence activities, foreign affairs, justice and judicial activities, fire service and compulsory social security activities
Education P - Education (85) Including pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher education, other education (such as sports, driving schools, cultural education), educational support activities
Health and Social Work Q - Human health and social work activities (86-88) Including Hospitals, medical and dental practices, residential care, social work activities
Arts, entertainment, recreation and other service activities R - Arts, entertainment and recreation (90-93) S - Other service activities (94-96) Including performing arts, libraries and museums, gambling and betting, sports facilities, amusement and recreation activities, activities of membership organisations (religious, political, trade union, professional), personal services (hairdressing, beauty, textile cleaning, well-being activities, funeral activities)
NOT COVERED IN SURVEY T - Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services producing activities of households for own use (97-98) U - Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies (99) Including households as employers of domestic personnel, private households producing goods for own use



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