NHS Scotland redesign of urgent care: second national staging report

This is the third of three reports assessing our urgent and unscheduled care - redesign of Urgent Care Programme.

8. Glossary

A&E - Accident & Emergency

A&E - services Accident & Emergency services (ED & MIU)

AHP - Allied Health Professional

CfSD - Centre for Sustainable Delivery

EAG - Evaluation Advisory Group

ED - Emergency Department

EQIA - Equality Impact Assessment

FNC - Flow Navigation Centre

GP - General Practice

HIS - Healthcare Improvement Scotland

IH - In Hours

IM&T - Information Management & Technology

LGBT+ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender/Transsexual People

MIU - Minor Injuries Unit

NES - National Education Scotland

NHS GG&C - NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

NSS - National Services Scotland

OOH - Out of Hours

PC - Primary Care

PHS - Public Health Scotland

RUC - Redesign Urgent Care

SAG - Strategic Advisory Group

SAS - Scottish Ambulance Service

SIMD - Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

SCDM - Senior Clinical Decision Maker

SPC - Statistical Process Control


Email: RedesignUrgentCare@gov.scot

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