NHS Scotland redesign of urgent care: second national staging report

This is the third of three reports assessing our urgent and unscheduled care - redesign of Urgent Care Programme.

Appendix D: Membership Workstream 1 Data and Monitoring Group

Professor Derek Bell (Chair) - Clinical Advisor, Scottish Government

Eleanor Anderson - Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Public Health Scotland

Katy Barclay - Head of Business Intelligence and Data Protection, Scottish Ambulance Service

Nicola Dawson - Clinical Services Manager, NHS 24

Michael Fox - Improvement Advisor, Scottish Government

Carol Goodman - Programme Director, Scottish Government

Katherine McGregor - Principle Information Analyst, Public Health Scotland

Emma McNair - Information Consultant, Public Health Scotland

Milla Marinova - Clinical Fellow, Imperial College

Sir Lewis Ritchie - Clinical Advisor

Peter Stonebridge - Medical Director, NHS Tayside

Amanda Trolland - Programme Manager, Scottish Government

Kelly Walker - Project Support, Scottish Government

Robert Williams - Deputy Director – Business Intelligence, Scottish Government


Email: RedesignUrgentCare@gov.scot

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