
Approved products for use in the UK's public water supply

A list of the products approved for use in contact with drinking water in the UK.

Annex 2: List of Relevant European Standards

2.1 British Standards BSEN for Chemicals used for Treatment of Water


1. The existence of a relevant EN standard does not necessarily mean that all supplies of a specific treatment chemical or product will have been tested to and shown to meet the appropriate requirements of the EN. These standards contain requirements for impurities and may additionally have a National Condition of Use assigned to them. Since EN standards for drinking water treatment chemicals and products do not contain mandatory requirements for attestation of conformity, it is the responsibility of the user of these products to ensure that the treatment chemicals or products provided by a specific supplier fully meet the test requirements of the relevant EN standard by provision of a certificate of attestation for the batch of chemical supplied or by internally checking through their own laboratories.

2. Clause of BS 6700: 2006 (Design, installation, testing and maintenance of services supplying water for domestic use within buildings and their curtilages - Specification) states that chemicals used for disinfection of drinking water installations shall be those that are listed in the UK's List of substances, products and processes approved under the relevant regulations .
This advice is wrong; products listed in the "List of Approved Products for use in Public Water Supply", the current title of this publication, have not been assessed for their effectiveness in any situation, and their safety has not been considered in the context of building water systems. BSi Standards is currently amending this clause of BS 6700.

For all of the chemicals listed the following general national condition of use applies:

The method of use and the purity of these products shall be such that, in the case of water for public supply, the water so treated meets the requirements of the relevant regulations .



Additional National Conditions of Use

13194: 2000

Acetic acid


1302: 1999

Aluminium based co-agulants - Analytical methods


881: 2004

Aluminium chloride, aluminium chloride hydroxide and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate (monomeric)


935: 2004

Aluminium iron (III) chloride (monomer) and aluminium iron (III) chloride hydroxide (monomeric)


887: 2004

Aluminium iron (III) sulfate


878: 2004

Aluminium sulfate


12122: 2005

Ammonia solution


12123: 2005

Ammonium sulfate


1421: 2005

Ammonium chloride


1407: 2008

Anionic and nonionic polyacrylamides

(i) no batch must contain more than 0.020% of free acrylamide monomer based on the active ingredient content;

(ii) the dose must average no more than 0.25 mg l -1 and never exceed 0.50 mg l -1 of the active ingredient;

(iii) an upper limit for the content of free acrylamide monomer must be stated by the supplier for every batch;

(iv) the method used for the analysis for free acrylamide monomer is entitled 'Determination of Acrylamide' published in the series 'Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials' by the Environment Agency.

1018: 2006

Calcium carbonate


12485: 2001

Calcium carbonate, high-calcium lime and half burnt dolomite - Test methods


900: 2007

Calcium hypochlorite


1204: 2005

Calcium tetrahydrogen bis(orthophosphate)


936: 2006

Carbon dioxide


1410: 2008

Cationic polyacrylamides

(i) no batch must contain more than 0.020% of free acrylamide monomer based on the active ingredient content;

(ii) the dose must average no more than 0.25 mg l -1 and never exceed 0.50 mg l -1 of the active ingredient;

(iii) an upper limit for the content of free acrylamide monomer must be stated by the supplier for every batch; and

(iv) the method used for the analysis for free acrylamide monomer is entitled 'Determination of Acrylamide' published in the series 'Methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated Materials' by the Environment Agency.

937: 1999



12671: 2000

Chlorine dioxide

The combined concentration of chlorine dioxide, chlorite and chlorate should not exceed 0.5mg l -1 as chlorine dioxide in the water entering supply.

12386: 2005

Copper sulfate


1202: 2005

Dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphate


1199: 2005

Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate


1205: 2005

Disodium dihydrogen pyrophosphate


13176: 2000



1017: 2008

Half-burnt dolomite


12175: 2006

Hexafluorosilicic acid


12518: 2008

High-calcium lime


939: 2000

Hydrochloric acid

Permission or consent for disposal of any wastewater generated to a sewer or watercourse must be obtained from the relevant water service company or Environment Agency, in England and Wales or Scottish Environment Protection Agency ( SEPA) in Scotland as appropriate.

902: 2000

Hydrogen peroxide

Permission or consent for disposal of any wastewater generated to a sewer or watercourse must be obtained from the relevant water service company or Environment Agency in England and Wales or Scottish Environment Protection Agency ( SEPA) in Scotland , as appropriate.

Products conforming to EN902 shall not contain stabilising or activation agents. If a product contains such agents it requires approval under the relevant regulations .

Prior to introduction into supply all residual hydrogen peroxide must be demonstrably removed/destroyed

888: 2004

Iron(III) chloride


891: 2004

Iron(III) chloride sulfate



Iron (III) hydroxide oxide

Under consideration - please seek advice from DWI

889: 2004

Iron(II) sulfate


890: 2004

Iron(III) sulphate liquid


14664: 2004

Iron(III) sulphate, solid


12126: 2005

Liquefied ammonia


13177: 2002



1406: 1998

Modified starches

The dose must not exceed 5 mg l -1 of active ingredient.

1204: 2005

Monocalcium phosphate


1201: 2005

Monopotassium hydrogen orthophosphate


1197: 2006

Monozinc phosphate solution


12876: 2000



1278: 1999



974: 2003

Phosphoric acid

Permission or consent for disposal of any wastewater generated to a sewer or watercourse must be obtained from the relevant water service company or Environment Agency in England and Wales or Scottish Environment Protection Agency ( SEPA) in Scotland, as appropriate.


Phosphonic acids and salts

Under consideration - please seek advice from DWI

1408: 2008

Poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride)

The dose used must not exceed 10 mg l -1 of active ingredient.

883: 2004

Polyaluminium chloride hydroxide and polyaluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate


885: 2004

Polyaluminium chloride hydroxide silicate


886: 2004

Polyaluminium hydroxide silicate sulfate


1409: 2008


(i) The average dose should be 2.5 mg l -1 and never exceed 5 mg l -1 of active ingredient;

(ii) no batch must contain more than 40 mg of 3-monochloropropane 1,2-diol per kg of active ingredient;

(iii) the analytical system used for determining the batch content must have a limit of detection no greater than 4 mg kg -1 and a maximum total standard deviation no greater than 4 mg kg -1 at 40 mg kg -1. Both estimates must have at least 10 degrees of freedom and have been determined from batches of analyses carried out on not less than five separate days; and

(iv) the supplier must state for every batch an upper limit for the content of 3-monochloropropane 1,2-diol.


Polycarboxylic acids and salts

Under consideration - please seek advice from DWI



Under consideration - please seek advice from DWI

1201: 2005

Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate


12672: 2000

Potassium permanganate


12678: 2000

Potassium peroxomonosulfate


1211: 2005

Potassium tripolyphosphate



Silver salts

On advice from HSE - these compounds may not be used in contact with water intended for human consumption.

1205: 2005

Sodium acid pyrophosphate


1405: 1998

Sodium alginate

the dose used must not exceed 0.5 mg l -1 of active ingredient

882: 2004

Sodium aluminate


1208: 2005

Sodium calcium polyphosphate


897: 2005

Sodium carbonate



Sodium chlorate

Under consideration - please seek advice from DWI


Sodium chloride for OSEC

Under consideration - please seek advice from DWI

973: 2002

Sodium chloride for regeneration of ion exchangers


938: 2000

Sodium chlorite

(i) the dose must be such that the combined concentration of chlorine dioxide, chlorite and chlorate does not exceed 0.5 mg l -1 as chlorine dioxide in water potentially entering supply; and

(ii) permission or consent for disposal of any wastewater generated to a sewer or water course must be obtained from the relevant water service company or Environment Agency in England and Wales or Scottish Environment Protection Agency ( SEPA) in Scotland, as appropriate.

12931: 2000

12932: 2000

12933: 2000

Sodium dichloroisocyanurate, anhydrous

Sodium dichloroisocyanurate, dihydrate

Trichloroisocyanuric acid

Conditions if product is used as a cleaning agent:

(i) the dose must be such that the final concentration in the water used to wash installations does not exceed 1000 mg l -1 of free available chlorine;

(ii) that following cleaning and disinfection, the installation is flushed to ensure that the residual chlorine concentration is acceptable to consumers; and

(iii) permission or consent for disposal of any wastewater generated to a sewer or watercourse must be obtained from the relevant water service company or

Environment Agency in England and Wales or Scottish Environment Protection Agency ( SEPA) in Scotland, as appropriate.

Water companies should check with their suppliers to ensure that products to be cleaned and disinfected will not be adversely affected by the concentration of chlorine to be employed.

Conditions if product is used as an emergency disinfectant:

(i) where circumstances are such that the water being treated is not grossly contaminated and a controlled contact time of not less than 15 minutes between dosing and taking it into use can be maintained, not more than 10 mg l -1 of sodium dichloro-isocyanurate compound should be applied and not more than 1mg l -1 of free residual chlorine should be present at the end of the relevant contact time. It is recommended that consumers should be exposed to such waters containing chloro-isocyanurates for only as long as is required to restore

conventional treatment, or for no more than 90 days in any period of a year, whichever is applicable;

(ii) under circumstances where water sources may be grossly contaminated, to ensure inactivation of most likely harmful organisms, up to 20 mg l -1 sodium

dichloro-isocyanurate may be added, with a recommended contact time of 15 minutes before use. It is recommended that consumption of water dosed at this rate of treatment should be for only as long as is necessary before it is possible to effect control of the residual chlorine after contact to 1 mg l -1, and then to follow the requirements set out in condition (i); and

(iii) should it be necessary for specific groups of consumers to be exposed to water containing chloro-isocyanurates for periods greater than 90 days either continuously or in a year, it is recommended that independent medical advice be obtained from a person who is not under the control of the water undertaker.

1198: 2005

Sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate


12121: 2005

Sodium disulfite


12173: 2005

Sodium fluoride


12174: 2006

Sodium hexafluorosilicate


898: 2005

Sodium hydrogen carbonate


12120: 2005

Sodium hydrogen sulfite


896: 2005

Sodium hydroxide


901: 2007

Sodium hypochlorite

The method of use and the purity of these products shall be such that, in the case of water for public supply, the water so treated meets the requirements of the relevant regulations .


Sodium Permanganate

Under consideration - please seek advice from DWI

12926: 2000

Sodium peroxodisulfate


1212: 2005

Sodium polyphosphate


1209: 2003

Sodium silicate


12124: 2005

Sodium Sulfite


12125: 2005

Sodium thiosulfate


1210: 2005

Sodium tripolyphosphate


1019: 2005

Sulfur dioxide


899: 2003

Sulfuric acid


1207: 2005

Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate


1206: 2005

Tetrasodium pyrophosphate


1203: 2005

Tripotassium orthophosphate


1200: 2005

Trisodium orthophosphate


2.2 British Standards BSEN for Inorganic Supporting and Filtering Materials Used for Treatment of Water Intended for Human Consumption

For all of the products listed the following general national condition of use applies;

The method of use and the purity of these products shall be such that, in the case of water for public supply, the water so treated meets the requirements of the relevant regulations .



Additional National Conditions of Use

12909: 2005



12912: 2005



13754: 2003



14456: 2004

Bone charcoal

The contact bed containing the product must be adequately back-washed (until backwash water is clear of fines) to remove any readily leachable materials before connection to the supply.

12905: 2005

Expanded aluminosilicate


12910: 2005



13753: 2002

12915 - 1: 2003

12915 - 2: 2003

12907: 2003

Granular activated alumina

Granular activated carbon. Part 1: Virgin GAC

Granular activated carbon. Part 2: Reactivated GAC

Pyrolised coal material

(i) the contact bed containing the product must be adequately back-washed (until backwash water is clear of fines) to remove any readily leachable materials before

connection to the supply; and

(ii) before connection to the supply, the water undertaker or their appointed agent must carry out tests on the filtrate water to establish that use of the contact bed will

not cause any adverse effect on the quality of water to be put into supply. These tests must include measurement of chlorine demand and a qualitative odour assessment, as well as tests to confirm that leaching of activating agents or any other substance used in the preparation or regeneration of the product will not cause a contravention of the standards prescribed in the relevant regulations .

12901: 1999

Inorganic supporting and filtering materials - Definitions


12902: 2004

Inorganic supporting and filtering materials - Methods of test


14369: 2003

Iron-coated granular activated alumina


13752: 2003

Manganese dioxide


12911: 2006

Manganese greensand


12903: 2003

Powered activated carbon

The dose must not exceed 100 mg l -1.

12913: 2005

Powdered diatomaceous earth


12914: 2005

Powdered perlite


12906: 2005



12904: 2005

Silica sand and silica gravel


2.3 British Standards BSEN on the Influence of Materials on Water Intended for Human Consumption



1420-1: 1999

Influence of organic materials on water intended for human consumption - Determination of odour and flavour assessment of water in piping systems

12873-1: 2003

Influence of materials on water intended for human consumption - Influence due to migration - Part 1: Test method for non-metallic and non-cementitious factory made products

12873-2: 2005

Influence of materials on water intended for human consumption - Influence due to migration - Part 2: Test method for non-metallic and non-cementitious site - applied materials

12873-3: 2006

Influence of materials on water intended for human consumption - Influence due to migration - Part 3: Test method for ion exchange and adsorbent resins

12873-4: 2006

Influence of materials on water intended for human consumption - Influence due to migration - Part 4: Test method for water treatment membranes

13052-1: 2001

Influence of materials on water intended for human consumption - Organic materials - Determination of colour and turbidity of water in piping systems - Part 1: Test method

14395-1: 2004

Influence of materials on water intended for human consumption - Organoleptic assessment of water in storage systems - Part 1: Test method

14718: 2006

Influence of organic materials on water intended for human consumption - Determination of the chlorine demand - Test Method

14944-1: 2006

Influence of factory made cementitious products on organoleptic parameters - Test methods - Part 1: Influence of factory made cementitious products on organoleptic parameters

14944-3: 2007

Influence of factory made cementitious products on organoleptic parameters - Test methods - Part 3: Migration of substances from factory-made cementitious products

15664: 2008

Influence of metallic materials on water intended for human consumption - Dynamic rig test for assessment of metal release - Part 1: Design and operation

2.4 List of Authorised Cement Admixture Components

Regulation 25/31 letters 6/2000 and 03/2003 in England and Wales and Regulation 25 letters 3/2001 and 4/2003 in Scotland gave details of the arrangements for authorisation of civil engineering use of concrete in water retaining structures in treatment and distribution systems. The following list gives the chemical identity of admixture components considered acceptable for use in cement admixtures for use in concrete in contact with water in water retaining structures, providing the admixture is not added to the concrete at a concentration exceeding the manufacturer's recommended dose.

Admixture component

Used as

Abietic acid salts

Air entrainer

Aluminates, sodium or potassium


Aluminium hydroxides, amorphic


Anionic surfactants

Air entrainer

Butyl stearate

Waterproofer/ water repellent

Carbonate, sodium or potassium


Cellulose ethers

Stabiliser/pumping aid

Citric acid


Decanoate, sodium

Air entrainer

Dimethylsiloxane, poly-

Defoamer agent for plasticisers/ superplasticisers

Dodecyl benzene sulphonate, sodium

Air entrainer

Fatty acid soaps

Waterproofer/ water repellent

Formate, calcium


Gluconic and Heptonic acid salts

Retarder/ water reducer/ plasticiser

Lauryl ether sulphate, sodium

Air entrainer


Water reducer/ plasticiser

Mono and di saccharides, eg sucrose, xylose


Nitrate, calcium, sodium or potassium


Oleic acid and salts

Waterproofer/ water repellent

Oxalate, lithium



Water reducer/ plasticiser

Phosphate, dibutyl

Defoamer agent for plasticisers/ superplasticisers

Phosphate, tributyl

Defoamer agent for plasticisers/ superplasticisers

Phosphates (inorganic)


Phosphonates (organic)


Polycarboxylate/ polyether copolymer


Silicates, sodium


Starch ethers

Stabiliser/pumping aid

Stearate salts

Waterproofer/ water repellent

Sulphonated melamine formaldehyde condensate


Sulphonated naphthalene formaldehyde condensate


Tartaric acid


Thiocyanate, sodium



Water reducer/ plasticiser

Note 1:Biocides/ preservative and agents, antifoam/ air control agents, present in the admixture at less than 1.0% in total and the dilution water used in cement admixture formulations are excluded from the requirement for authorisation.

Note 2: The use of ferrous or stannous sulphate is acceptable as reducing agents to control concentrations of hexavalent chromium (VI) in cement.

Note 3: Fibre additions to concrete - , the use of polymeric or carbon reinforcing fibres should not be a cause for concern, providing that either -

a. concrete made with them, at the proposed concentration/level conforms with the requirements of BS 6920 odour and flavour and growth of aquatic microorganisms tests OR

b. the reinforcing fibres have already met the requirements of BS 6920


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