
Learning together: national action plan on parental involvement, engagement, family learning and learning at home 2018 – 2021

Sets out a vision for parental involvement and engagement from pre-birth to age 18 and takes account of national and international evidence base and Scottish education system expertise. Provides a national vision but allows for local and community innovation and flexibility.

Implementation Statement

how we will deliver this plan

The Scottish Government, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities, the National Parent Forum of Scotland, the Association of Directors of Education, and Education Scotland will work together to implement this Action Plan in partnership with a range of national agencies, Regional Improvement Collaboratives and other partners.

A national implementation and oversight group will be created. The group will include the National Parent Forum of Scotland and key national education agencies and parents. It will co-ordinate progress against the actions within this plan. It will explore additional ways to deliver the goals contained in this plan.

Specific working groups will be established to lead on specific activities, goals and actions within this plan.

The National Parent Forum of Scotland will monitor progress against this plan in partnership with the Scottish Government. The NPFS will publish a progress report at the mid-way point (December 2019) and the end of the plan (June 2021).

The specific actions within the plan will be implemented over the next three years. We will also explore further opportunities to develop additional activities and actions under the 13 goals.


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