Justice Analytical Services (JAS) Safer Communities and Justice Statistics Monthly Data Report: August 2023 edition
This report contains summary statistics covering a number of important justice and safer communities statistics. It is published with up to date statistics every month.
Further detail on fire statistics
There were 233 deliberate building fires in quarter 4 of 2022-23, up from 224 in the same quarter of 2021-22. Over the same period, the number of deliberate road vehicle fires fell from 197 to 179. There has been a long-term downward trend in deliberate building and deliberate road vehicle fires since this series began.

The figures used in this chart are the average of the quarter in question and the three quarters prior, in order to allow for seasonal variation.
Unwanted fire alarm signals (UFAS) describe avoidable false alarm signals from a workplace, either from an automatic fire alarm or from a person. There were 7,403 UFAS incidents in quarter 4 of 2022-23, which made up 35% of all incidents attended in that quarter. This is up from the previous year where UFAS made up 32% of all incidents attended in that quarter.
Email: Justice_Analysts@gov.scot
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