
Economic condition of crofting: 2019 to 2022

This is a report to the Scottish Parliament as outlined in the terms of section 51 of the Crofting Reform (Scotland) Act 2010, reflecting the economic condition of crofting and the measures taken by the Scottish Ministers, the Crofting Commission and others to support crofting during 2019 to 2022.

Measures Taken To Support Crofting


The Scottish Government is committed to the future of crofting and recognises the role crofting has to play in helping make rural communities socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. Crofting is widely regarded as an important system of land tenure, for the sense of identity that it provides, the landscape it creates and protects, and the systems of communal working it supports.

The Scottish Government recognises that our croft land is a key asset and by optimising its use we can produce food more sustainably, help address the climate change and biodiversity challenges, and enhance our natural environment. The Scottish Government has a track record of investing in crofting, and will continue to support ways that improve the economic condition of crofting.

Throughout this reporting period, 2019 – 2022, there have been a number of support mechanisms made available to crofters by the Scottish Government. These include access to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Pillar 1 direct payments, and all the relevant Scottish Rural Development Programme CAP Pillar 2 schemes, including those targeted specifically at crofters such as the Croft House Grant, Crofting Agricultural Grant Scheme and the Cattle Improvement Scheme. Summary details of the support mechanisms put in place by the Scottish Government are provided below.



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