
Economic condition of crofting: 2019 to 2022

This is a report to the Scottish Parliament as outlined in the terms of section 51 of the Crofting Reform (Scotland) Act 2010, reflecting the economic condition of crofting and the measures taken by the Scottish Ministers, the Crofting Commission and others to support crofting during 2019 to 2022.

16. Sustainable Agriculture Capital Grant Scheme

16.1. The Sustainable Agriculture Capital Grant Scheme (SACGS) was established to facilitate the provision of support for the agricultural sector to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve efficiency and enhance Scotland's natural environment through this period of transition. The items selected for inclusion in the SACGS 2022 scheme were chosen for their effectiveness in reducing harmful ammonia emissions and adverse impacts on water quality resulting from the storage and spreading of livestock slurry and digestate.

16.2. The lack of availability of some items of equipment, due to the impact of COVID-19 on manufacturing, meant that the pilot scheme was extended by a year and the total expenditure for the SACGS pilot scheme was £12.8m.

16.3. SACGS 2022 has been allocated a budget of £5 million, and crofters, farmers and agricultural contractors based in Scotland, were able to apply for this grant if they store and/or spread slurry or digestate. They were also required to have, or agree to obtain, a carbon audit or a nutrient management plan by the point of claiming grant.

Table 16.1 Funding Amounts provided to businesses which declared a common grazing on their Single Application Form
Scheme Crofters Amount
SACGS Pilot Scheme[23] 246 £712,639
SACGS 2022[24] 22 £191,375



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