
Developing a local child poverty action report: guidance

Guidance for local authorities on developing a local child poverty action report.

Data sources

National resources

Statistics, research and analysis on child poverty:

Child Poverty Analysis (Scot Gov) - Statistics, research and analysis relating to child poverty in Scotland.

Scottish Government open data publishing platform - Explore, visualise and download over 250 datasets from a range of producers.

Scottish Household Survey - A summary of the key findings from the Scottish Household Survey 2020 telephone survey.

Scottish Public Health Observatory - Data covering several important influential aspects of life circumstances including deprivation, housing and education.

Improvement Service Community Planning Outcomes Profiles - A data and benchmarking tool to help community planning partnerships assess if the lives of people in their communities are improving.

PHS Prioritising Child Poverty Data Source - Data source from joint PHS and Inverclyde Council project – includes links and guidance on accessing relevant data sources.

Scottish Health Survey - ( - A collection of documents relating to the Scottish Health Survey (SheS) which provide a detailed picture of the health of the Scottish population in private households

Local child poverty data sources

Scottish Government dashboard of local data relevant to child poverty

Improvement Service data-zone level map showing Children in Low Income Households

HMRC Child and working tax credits statistics - Number of children in receipt of tax credits, by local authority

Children with families with limited resources across Scotland 2017-2019 - Estimates of the proportion of children who live in families with limited resources by local authority area, health board and household characteristics

End Child Poverty local poverty estimates 2015-2021 - Estimates of child poverty, after housing costs, in each constituency, local authority and ward

DWP/HMRC Children in low income families: local area statistics 2014-21 - Annual statistics on the number and proportion of children living in low income families, before housing costs

Local level household income estimates - Local level household income estimates and income distribution data

Local data on drivers of child poverty

Take-up of benefits

Hourly pay

Hours worked per household

Skills and qualifications

Availability of affordable, accessible transport and childcare

Housing costs

Other costs of living

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