Climate action hubs: apply to set one up

A national network of climate action hubs is being set up to support communities to take forward climate action in their areas. Find out how to apply to set up a hub.

Legal requirements

Successful applicants will need to meet the following legal requirements.

Progress reports and claims

All hubs will be expected to submit:

  • quarterly progress reports
  • a final report which will be publicly accessible
  • quarterly claims in line with the funding award

Publicity and transparency data

If your application is successful, you must ensure that any marketing materials or publicity acknowledges Scottish Government (SG) funding. A copy of the appropriate SG logo will be provided.

Hub proposals are invited on the basis that successful applicants will comply with all necessary obligations and legal requirements and the conditions contained in the offer of grant, including compliance with UK Data Protection Laws (UK GDPR and DPA 2018).

All hubs will need to comply with all relevant legislation relating to the implementation of projects, including: Data Protection, Freedom of Information and the Environmental Information Regulations.

Applicants should be aware that the Scottish Government is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, the Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004, and current Data Protection laws. Therefore, please note that information provided, including personal information, will be held, published and disclosed in accordance with this legislation. When applying, please let us know if there are any parts of it that would prejudice your commercial or other interests if they were made public. However, given our obligations, please note we cannot guarantee confidentiality.

Equality legislation

All organisations submitting an application must satisfy themselves that they are compliant with relevant equalities legislation, including the Fairer Scotland Duty (as part of the Equality Act 2010). Further information can be obtained from the Equalities and Human Rights Commission.

In addition, the following may also apply to your project:

  •  Subsidy Control (previously European Commission (EC) State Aid Rules)
  • Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005
  • public procurement
  • planning permission
  • and any other legal requirements that are specific to individual projects

We may require proof from you that you have considered your obligations as required under legislation.

Fair Work framework criteria

The Fair Work Framework criteria is part of our commitment for Scotland to be a fair and equal society. You will be asked how your organisation will commit to the Fair Work Framework criteria over the period of funding.

Sustainability commitment

All hubs should commit to delivering in a green and sustainable way. You should consider how you can minimise the carbon impact of the hub itself, and the activities it supports (e.g. by promoting reduced car use in line with the transport hierarchy set out in the National Transport Strategy.

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